Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Daftar Materi Matematika SMU 1 - bagian 1

Daftar Materi Pelajaran Matematika SMU 1 atau Kelas X - bagian 1
Bab 1  Eksponen dan Logaritma  
      1  Menemukan konsep
      2  Pangkat Bulat Negatif 
      3  Pangkat Nol
      4  Sifat-Sifat Pangkat Bulat Positif 
      5  Pangkat Pecahan  
      6  Bentuk Akar  
      7  Hubungan Bentuk Akar dan Bilangan Berpangkat  
      8  Operasi Pada Bentuk Akar  
     a  Operasi Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan Bentuk Akar   
     b  Operasi Perkalian dan Pembagian Bentuk Akar  
     c  Merasionalkan Penyebut Berbentuk Akar   
     9  Menemukan Konsep Logaritma  
    10  Sifat-sifat Logaritma
Bab 2  Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan Linier  
    1  Memahami dan Menemukan konsep Nilai Mutlak  
    2  Persamaan Linier      
    3  Aplikasi Nilai Mutlak Pada Persamaan Linier  
    4  Pertidaksamaan Linier  
    5  Aplikasi Nilai Mutlak pada Pertidaksamaan Linier 
Bab 3  Sistem Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan Linier  
       1  Menemukan Konsep Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel
    2  Menemukan Konsep Sistem Persamaan Linear Tiga Variabel  
    3  Penyelesaian Sistem Persamaaan Linier  
     a  Menentukan Himpunan Penyelesaian Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel 
     b  Menentukan Himpunan Penyelesaian Sistem Persamaan Linear Tiga Variabel  
    4  Sistem Pertidaksamaan Linear Dua Variabel  
Bab 4  Matriks     
    1  Menemukan Konsep Matriks  
    2  Jenis-Jenis Matriks  
    3  Transpos Matriks  
    4  Kemandirian Dua Matriks
    5  Memahami Operasi Sederhana Matriks serta Menerapkannya  dalam Pemecahan Masalah      
     a  Operasi Hitung pada Matriks      
  6  Determinan dan Invers Matriks      
Bab 5  Relasi dan Fungsi      
    1  Menemukan Konsep Relasi      
    2  Beberapa sifat Relasi      
    3  Menemukan Konsep Fungsi     
Bab 6  Barisan dan Deret      
    1  Menemukan Pola Barisan dan Deret      
    2   Menemukan Kosep Barisan dan Deret Aritmatika
     a  Barisan Aritmatika     
    b  Induksi Matematika     
     c  Deret Aritmatika      
    3  Menemukan Konsep Barisan dan Deret Geometri     
     a  Barisan Geometri      
     b  Deret Geometri       
Bab 7  Persamaan dan Fungsi Kuadrat      
    1   Persamaan Kuadrat     
     a  Menemukan Konsep Persamaan Kuadrat Satu Peubah      
     b  Menentukan Akar-Akar Persamaan Kuadrat      
     c  Menemukan Rumus Untuk Menentukan Hasil Jumlah dan Hasil Kali Akar-Akar Persamaan Kuadrat      
     d   Persamaan Kuadrat dengan Akar-Akar x1 dan x2      
    2  Fungsi Kuadrat     
     a  Menemukan Konsep Fungsi Kuadrat      
     b  Grafik Fungsi Kuadrat    
     c  Hubungan Persamaan Kuadrat dan Fungsi Kuadrat     
Bab 8  Trigonometri         
    1  Ukuran Sudut (Derajat dan Radian)      
    2  Konsep Dasar Sudut       
    3  Perbandingan Trigonometri pada Segitiga Siku-Siku      
    4  Nilai Perbandingan Trigonometri Sudut Istimewa      
    5  Perbandingan Trigonometri untuk Sudut
    6  Grafik Fungsi Trigonometri           
Bab 9  Geometri         
    1  Menemukan Konsep Jarak Titik, Garis, dan Bidang      
     a  Kedudukan Titik      
     b  Jarak antara Titik dan Titik      
     c  Jarak Titik ke Garis      
     d  Jarak Titik ke Bidang      
     e  Jarak antara Dua Garis dan Dua Bidang yang Sejajar     
    2  Menemukan Konsep Sudut pada Bangun Ruang      
     a  Sudut antara Dua Garis dalam ruang      
     b  Sudut antara Garis dan Bidang pada Bangun Ruang      
     c  Sudut antara Dua Bidang pada Bangun Ruang      
Bab 10  Limit Fungsi       
    1  Menemukan Konsep Limit      
    2  Sifat-Sifat Limit Fungsi      
    3  Menentukan Nilai Limit Fungsi      
Bab 11  Statistika         
    1  Data Tunggal      
    2  Penyajian Data Kelompok      
Bab 12  Peluang         
    1  Menemukan Konsep Peluang dengan Frekuensi Relatif      
    2  Pengertian Percobaan, Kejadian, Titik Sampel, dan ruang Sampel     
    3  Cara Penyajian dan Penentukan Ruang Sampel      
    4  Peluang Komplemen Suatu Kejadian 

Daftar Pelajaran Matematika SMP/SMU - bagian 2

Fungsi kuadrat
Persamaan kuadrat

Dilatasi/perkalian geometri

Persamaan linear
Persamaan kuadrat

Barisan bilangan
Barisan bilangan asli
Barisan kuadrat bilangan asli
Barisan pangkat tiga bilangan asli

Daftar Pelajaran Matematika SMP/SMU - bagian 1


SMP 1 / Kelas VII




SMP 2 / Kelas VIII


SMP 3 / Kelas IX

Kesebangunan dan Kekongruenan Bangun Datar
Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung
Pangkat Tak Sebenarnya
Pola Bilangan, Barisan, dan Deret

PHP Tutorial List 1

PHP Tutorial Preliminary Step
PHP Intro
PHP Install

PHP Foundation Step
PHP Syntax
PHP Variables
PHP Echo / Print
PHP Data Types
PHP Strings
PHP Constants
PHP Operators
PHP If...Else...Elseif
PHP Switch
PHP While Loops
PHP For Loops
PHP Functions
PHP Arrays
PHP Sorting Arrays
PHP Superglobals

PHP Forms
PHP Form Handling
PHP Form Validation
PHP Form Required
PHP Form URL/E-mail
PHP File Handling
PHP File Open/Read
PHP File Create/Write
PHP File Upload
PHP Arrays Multi
PHP Date and Time
PHP Filters
PHP Filters Advanced

MySQL Database
MySQL Database
MySQL Connect
MySQL Create DB
MySQL Create Table
MySQL Insert Data
MySQL Get Last ID
MySQL Insert Multiple
MySQL Prepared
MySQL Select Data
MySQL Delete Data
MySQL Update Data
MySQL Limit Data

PHP Advanced
PHP Include
PHP Cookies
PHP Sessions
PHP Filters
PHP Filters Advanced
PHP Error Handling
PHP Exception
PHP Cookies
PHP Sessions
PHP Filters
PHP Filters Advanced
PHP Error Handling
PHP Exception

VB6 Database tutorial list

Database Design
    Naming Database Objects

Visual Basic & ADO Tutorial
Connection, Command / Stored Procedures
SQL Databases Create, Update, and Query
Using ADO and stored procedures

Generating your own VB reports with Control Break concepts

Optimizing Database Applications
Access Security
Database Access with RDO (Remote Data Objects)

Visual Basic 6 Data Control

Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Data / Database Control

data control
ADO data control

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Corel Draw Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Corel Draw Keyboard Shortcuts - part 1

( and related to mouse shortcuts )

Corel Draw Align Shortcuts

Here's a list of default keyboard shortcuts.
Align Bottom B Aligns selected objects to the bottom
Align Centers Horizontally E Horizontally aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align Centers Vertically C Vertically aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align Left LAligns selected objects to the left
Align Right RAligns selected objects to the right
Align To BaselineAlt+F12 Aligns text to the baseline
Align Top T Aligns selected objects to the top

Monday, February 22, 2016

Enclose Selection in Notepad Plus Plus

Enclose Selection in Notepad Plus Plus
You can use this Python Plugin script for notepad++ to wrapping selection text with any character. Remember, this method is trim white space for your input character and it will make contact between character and your selection so closely.

# enclose selection with character
char1=notepad.prompt("Insert before selection:","Enclose Selection","\"")
char1 = char1.strip()
if char1 == "":
    char1 = "\""
char2=notepad.prompt("Insert after selection:","Enclose Selection","\"")
char2 = char2.strip()
if char2 == "":
    char2 = "\""

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Microsoft Windows Keyboard Shortcut 1

Microsoft Windows Keyboard Shortcut

on Desktop:
windows key + d : Show your desktop. Pressing it again restores the previous state.
alt+tab : Holding the alt key and continuously press tab to move between most recently open applications or folders. Then release the key when the desired object is active to launch it.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Video Player with Timeline Preview

Timeline Seek Preview or Progress Bar Seek Preview is a feature that displays a preview thumbnail image when you hover the mouse over a spot in the video timeline. Timeline Seek Preview feature can help if you want to quickly switch to the video part you want to watch.

These following video players supports such feature and allows you to easily preview video parts with automatically generated thumbnails when you simply move the mouse cursor over the video timeline.

MPC-BE (Media Player Classic - Black Edition)

MPC-BE is an open-source video player which is based on the original Media Player Classic (MPC) project and Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC - HC), contains additional features and bug fixes.

To enable live video preview feature in MPC-BE, go to:
View > Options > Interface > check "Use the preview in the search"

bonus trik:
MPC-HC Seekbar Not Jumping to Correct Position with Mouse Click.
Turned Fast seek off under : View->Options->Tweaks->Fast seek (on keyframe)

  • Works best with multimedia codec, example: K-Lite codec or CCCP - Combined Community Codec Pack (specifically built for playing videos) which makes PC a home theatre where every type of media can be enjoyed.
  • some video must configured before playing for best watching.


ExMplayer is a Mplayer GUI / Mplayer frontend With Thumbnail Seek Preview.
(based on Qt - GUI)
  • You don't need change any configuration.
  • ExMplayer is resource hungry, when compared to similar Qt-based media player with default settings.
  • ExMplayer cannot plays any video file with just drag and drop, you must using a File menu on menu bar.

Zoom Player

Zoom Player has it as an option: Interface -> Control Bar -> Timeline Area -> Show position preview thumbnail.


KMPlayer supports a video seek preview feature. A video seek preview can be enabled if you go to:
Options > Preferences > Playback and check in the box "Show video frame instantly when seeking with mouse"
  •  KMPlayer has an advertising.


To enable video preview in PotPlayer, go to:
Preferences > Playback and under Progress Bar section (at the bottom) check "Show thumbnail previews".

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Folder Maker

Folder Maker / Folder Creator

Text 2 Folders Published by skwire
XMD - eXtended Make Directory 1.0.3
A multipurpose tool for making directories.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Image Viewer 1

Wildbit Viewer
Fastone Image Viewer


Easy HTML Editor 1


How to choose a Smartphone 1

There are too many choice for a smartphone today.

These are some essential features that can help you to choose:
  • Phonebook
    • can read and write from SIM card.
    • can copy or move from SIM card, memory card, phone memory.
    • can read and write from SIM card.
    • can copy or move from SIM card, memory card, phone memory.
  • SIM Card
    • size of SIM card: standard, mini, micro.

Some Multimedia features:
  • Audio
    • audio port / audio jack / audio hole size: 3.5mm or 2.5 mm
    • audio cable length: 1m, 1.5m, 2m
    • audio connector:
      • need converter?
      • need extender?
    • recording port / listening port
  • Video
    • media format and media container supported: avi, mp4, mpg
    • essential play supported features:
      • play
      • pause
      • stop
      • fast forward
      • fast backward
    • playing playlist supported features:
      • loop / repeat
      • bookmark minutes
    • video management:
      • playlist
      • tag renamer or file info management

Business Type 1

Auto Shop
Beauty Salon
Building & Industrial Company
Jewelry Store
Landscape Designer
Lawyer & Attorney
Medical Clinic
School and Courses
Sport & Fitness Club
Travel Company
Web Design Studio
Wedding Agency

Friday, February 12, 2016

Programmer Community

Programmer Community Website list:



Dictionary software PC

Dictionary software PC Features

Searching Mode:
  • Exact Match (with all of the words)
  • Begin with / Starts with
  • Ending With / Ends with
  • Similar with / Closed words / Suggest words
  • Contain of
  • Tag Search Mode / Topic Search Mode / Theme Search Mode / Category Search Mode / Word Class Mode / Terms Mode
    • Medical
    • Legal
    • Financial
  • Random Result
  • Search with certain length of word
  • Instant Result / Search result together with typing
Searching Display / Accessibility Options:
  • Count Result / How Many Result
  • Search box / Search Text Box
    • select:
      • Press Esc ( Escape ) in Search Text Box, will select all Search Text Box
      • Press Ctrl + A in Search Text Box, will select all Search Text Box.
    • type:
      • Type in every part of user interface except in menu, will start to search
      • type in result panel, will start to search
    • delete:
      • Press Ctrl + Backspace will delete word to the left / previous word from active cursor.
      • Press Ctrl + Delete will delete word to the right / next word after cursor.
  • Word of the day

Word Result, Phrase Result, Definition, Synonym, Antonym, Example
Reverse Search / Switch search in Term or vocabulary and meaning.
History: log till 200 result, log popular frequency
Export search result / search history

Learning Mode

Add / Edit / Update Database Dictionary
Import / Export Database Dictionary

Firefox Addons 1

Firefox Addons List

*Menu utilities
    iconifies your menus with beautiful icons and also has an amazing XP skin.

    slims and trims your context menu on the fly for simplicity, ease of use, easy access and eliminates the clutter.

*context or content page utilities
Context Highlight
    quickly and easily highlight all instances of a word or phrase within the current page.

Context Search
    Expands the context menu's 'Search for' item into a list of installed search engines, allowing you to choose a specific search engine every time.

TextMarker Go
    Allows to highlight the selected text.
    1) three customizable colors for highlight
    2) highlight functions as bookmarks
    3) hotkeys for highlight selected text, remove highlights, and jump to highlighted text.

*web page color themes
Color Transform
    Adapt page colors to your taste or need. Save your favorite color scheme for automatic coloration.

Color That Site!
    Change the colors of web sites. With the move of some sliders, you change the foreground and background colors of a site.

*a useful tab utilities
    Add page address to tab tooltip.

Tab Counter
    counts the number of open tabs per window.

Tab Auto Reload
    Adds auto reload menu to tab.

    Reloads web pages every so many seconds or minutes.

    When it is clicked, The width of the tab becomes small up to the size of favicon.
    It returns to the former size when "FaviconizeTab" is clicked again.

    Displays the tab's number to allow quick tab switching via Ctrl + [1-8] or Cmd + [1-8]

Security Tab Colorizer
    colorize your tabs depending on the protocol they use (currently [http/https red/green respectively] only).

*multi tab utilities
Tab Scope
    Preview and navigate tab contents through popup.

*colorize multi tab
    Generate Colors By Domain Hostname, Fading minimum, Do Not Minify Tabs, Tab Border Radious: 0 (No rounded borders

    Quickly group and bookmark tabs based on color. Persistently label/color tabs by url/regex. Other optional features: relative tabs, highlight unread tabs, color favicon, and auto-flag.

Tab Colors
    specify background colors for inactive tabs.
    - it will not save state between sessions
    - it will not let you link colors with site URLs

Tab Kit - Tab Highlighter
    Highlight tabs with different background colors and font styles

*multi tab / many tab / multiple tab management
All Tabs Helper
    closing, loading, unloading, moving of single/multiple tabsSearch tab titles or *content* (remember "Find In Tabs"?), visited tabs history, find duplicate tabs

Hugo Search All Tabs
    Search all loaded tabs- similar to Find in Tabs
    Show search results in context - from 50 to 2000 characters
    Easily set tabs to be ignored in a search
    Easily set tabs to be selected in a preferred search
    Set filters to ignore certain URLS, from list of common search pages (eg, google, etc), or define your own
    Inverted search - list tabs where match was not found

Tab Groups Helper
    Group switching, creating, removing
    (multi-)tab moving between groups, tab searching across groups
    "Suspend" groups for resource conservation, un-suspend when needed
    Bookmark groups, restore bookmark folders back into groups
    Export/import groups
    Automatic session backup, with ability to restore to backup if needed
    "Groups Bar" toolbar interface containing "group tabs"
    Management panel interface for full management and searching
    Toolbar button access - View > Toolbars > Cutomize...
    Tab context menu access.

Tab Mix Plus
    duplicating tabs.
    controlling tab focus.
    tab clicking options.
    undo closed tabs and windows.
    a full-featured session manager (save and restore combinations of opened tabs and windows).
    CTRL+TAB functionality (most-recently-used-order cycling)
    Integrates well with the Tree Tab extension

Super Tab Mode
    enhanced tab features(Double-Click close tab, Open Bookmarks/History/Searching in new tab, remove right/left tabs, decide where to open new tab, page lock/open link in new tab...).
    auto-lock feature to lock a page when loaded.
    simple block feature to filter webpage.
    hotkey to hide firefox window.
    ability to change firefox cache position.

Tab Kit 2nd Edition
    Group tabs, by domain or opener (parent) tab, manually or automatically
    Vertical tab tree (with splitter), like Tree Style Tab
    Multi-row tabs
    Sort tabs, by address, last loaded, last viewed, order of creation, origin or title
    Control new tab position and close order
    Easily duplicate tabs and groups and copy/move them between windows by dragging
    Scrollwheel tab switch (Extracted to [Tab Kit - Mouse Gestures](
    Mouse rocker' to go back/forward in history (Extracted to [Tab Kit - Mouse Gestures](
    Highlight unread tabs (and emphasise current tab) (Extracted to [Tab Kit - Tab Highlighter](
    Scrollbar instead of scroll arrows in over-long Bookmarks and All Tabs popups
    Open Selected Links feature
    Switch tabs on hover (Extracted to [Tab Kit - Mouse Gestures](
    Options for urls, searches and/or bookmarks to open in new tabs by default
    Tab Kit - Tab Highlighter
    Tab Kit - Mouse Gestures

Tile Tabs
    Displays tabs in tiled layouts in Firefox. Arrange tiles horizontally, vertically or in a grid. Resize tiles by dragging splitter bars. Tabs and links can be dragged to open in other tiles. Supports multiple tiled layouts. Works with tab groups.

    sorts tabs by URL, domain, title, pinned status.
Related Topics

Windows Utilities - Assorted list

Microsoft Windows Utilities - Hardware Enhancement
Touchpad Blocker

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Crop in Corel Draw

How To Crop in Corel Draw

Cara di bawah ini berlaku untuk gambar yang diimport ke dalam Corel Draw atau yang digambar di dalam Corel Draw.

Eraser tool (X)
Memotong atau menghapus bagian gambar yang terkena sapuan mouse.

Power Clip (Effects > Power Clip > Place Inside Container atau Place Inside Frame)
Masking / Menyeleksi gambar ke bentuk / bidang datar / bidang 2 dimensi/ shape lainnya.

Crop tool
Memotong dan menyimpan bagian dalam seleksi gambar.

Knife tool
Membelah gambar menjadi beberapa bagian.

Envelope tool atau Shape tool (F10)
Memotong bagian gambar untuk sementara/temporer, dengan menggeser node gambar.

Fillet, Scallop, Chamfer
Memotong bagian ujung/pojok gambar dengan mengubah bentuk ujung gambar.

Memotong bagian gambar dari irisan dua bidang dan menyalin isi dari irisan gambar tersebut. Bidang datar pemotong dan gambar yang dipotong dapat dibiarkan tidak dihapus.

Back Minus Front
Memotong bagian gambar dengan menempatkan sebuah bidang datar di atasnya. Bidang datar pemotong akan dihapus.

Memotong bagian gambar dengan menghapus bagian gambar yang berada di bawah bidang datar pemotong. Bidang datar pemotong dan gambar yang dipotong dapat dibiarkan tidak dihapus.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Photoshop Tutorial 1

Drop cap in photoshop — method A.
Using : photoshop cs2