Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Search the contents of the current page in firefox

How to search the contents of the current page
  1. Search Text
    1. Without change preferences or options of Firefox
      • Using the Find bar
        1.  Click on the three line menu button, and then click Find. (Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+F.) A search field will appear at the bottom.
        2. Type what you would like to search into the search field. Firefox will automatically highlight matching searches on the page as you type.
        3. Choose from the following actions in the Find bar:
          • X: Close the find bar.
          • Next and Previous arrows: Jumps to each match on the page.
          • Highlight All: Highlight all terms that match the search you've entered. Click Highlight All again to turn off highlighting.
          • Match case: Make searches case sensitive. Normally if you search for search phrase, instances of Search Phrase on the page will also be found when you use the Find bar. If Match case is selected, only instances of the phrase as you've typed it will be found.
          • Whole Words: This highlights only entire words that match your search.
        4. Firefox will let you know when it can't find a match by showing Phrase not found. 
      • Quick Find bar
        1. useful for quick searches and is meant to disappear after a few moments.
        2. It does not have the Next, Previous, or Highlight All buttons like the full Find bar.
        3. Press the / key (forward slash character) to open the Quick Find bar. Then type what you would like to search for.
        4. Press F3 or Ctrl+G to find the next result (like press Next button on the Find bar). Press Shift+F3 or Ctrl+Shift+G to find the previous result (like press Previous button on the Find bar). You can do the find next or find previous action even the Quick Find bar is disappear.
    2. With change preferences or options of Firefox
      • Find while typing on a page
  2. Search links only
    If you want to find phrases that occur in links on the page you're viewing:
    1. Type ' (single quote character) to bring up the Quick Find (links only) bar.
    2. Type a search phrase into the Quick Find (links only) field. The first link that contains the phrase you've typed will be selected.
    3. You can do action in the Quick Find bar point iv too.
General action that you can do whether you want search text or link
  1. Press Ctrl+G or F3 to highlight the next result that contains your search phrase. 
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3 to highlight the previous result that contains your search phrase.
  3. To close the Quick Find bar or Find bar, wait a moment then press the Esc key on the keyboard. Click somewhere in Firefox that is not part of the Quick Find bar. Click X to close Find bar.
reference: support.mozilla.org

Monday, January 30, 2017

How To Automate Ms Word to Perform Mail Merge from Visual Basic

How To Automate Microsoft Word to Perform Mail Merge from Visual Basic

with addition my notes


This article demonstrates how to use Microsoft Word to create a mail-merged document by using Automation from Microsoft Visual Basic.

More Information

There are two ways to control an Automation server:  by using late binding or by using early binding.
  • With late binding, methods are not bound until runtime and the Automation server is declared as Object.
  • With early binding, your application knows at design-time the exact type of object it will be communicating with and can declare its objects as a specific type. This sample uses early binding, which is considered better in most cases because it affords greater performance and better type safety.

To early bind to an Automation server, you have to set a reference to that server's type library. In Visual Basic, this is done through the References dialog box. To open the References dialog box, click References on the Project menu. For this sample, you have to add a reference to the type library for Word before you can run the code.

Building the Automation Sample

  1. Start Visual Basic, and create a new Standard EXE project. Form1 is created by default.
  2. Add a CommandButton control to Form1.
  3. On the Project menu, click References to open the References dialog box.
  4. Select Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library to create a reference to the Microsoft Office Word 2003 type library. For Word 2002, select Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library. For Word 2000, select Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library. For Word 97, select Microsoft Word 8.0 Object Library.
  5. Click OK to close the References dialog box.
  6. In the code window for Form1, add the following code:
    Option Explicit
    Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
    Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
      Dim wrdSelection As Word.Selection
      Dim wrdMailMerge As Word.MailMerge
      Dim wrdMergeFields As Word.MailMergeFields
      Dim StrToAdd As String
    ' Create an instance of Word, and make it visible.
      Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
      wrdApp.Visible = True
    ' Add a new document.
      Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add
      Set wrdSelection = wrdApp.Selection
      Set wrdMailMerge = wrdDoc.MailMerge
    ' Create the MailMerge Data file.
    ' Create a string, and insert it into the document.
      StrToAdd = "State University" & vbCr & _
               "Electrical Engineering Department"
      wrdSelection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
      wrdSelection.TypeText StrToAdd
      InsertLines 4
    ' Insert merge data.
      wrdSelection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
      Set wrdMergeFields = wrdMailMerge.Fields
      wrdMergeFields.Add wrdSelection.Range, "FirstName"
      wrdSelection.TypeText " "
      wrdMergeFields.Add wrdSelection.Range, "LastName"
      wrdMergeFields.Add wrdSelection.Range, "Address"
      wrdMergeFields.Add wrdSelection.Range, "CityStateZip"
      InsertLines 2
    ' Right align the line, and insert a date field
    ' with the current date.
      wrdSelection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = _
      wrdSelection.InsertDateTime _
            DateTimeFormat:="dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy", _
      InsertLines 2
    ' Align the rest of the document.
      wrdSelection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = _
      wrdSelection.TypeText "Dear "
      wrdMergeFields.Add wrdSelection.Range, "FirstName"
      wrdSelection.TypeText ","
      InsertLines 2
      ' Create a string, and insert it into the document.
      StrToAdd = "Thank you for your recent request for next " & _
          "semester's class schedule for the Electrical " & _
          "Engineering Department. Enclosed with this " & _
          "letter is a booklet containing all the classes " & _
          "offered next semester at State University.  " & _
          "Several new classes will be offered in the " & _
          "Electrical Engineering Department next semester.  " & _
          "These classes are listed below."
      wrdSelection.TypeText StrToAdd
      InsertLines 2
      ' Insert a new table with 9 rows and 4 columns.
      wrdDoc.Tables.Add wrdSelection.Range, NumRows:=9, _
      With wrdDoc.Tables(1)
        ' Set the column widths
        .Columns(1).SetWidth 51, wdAdjustNone
        .Columns(2).SetWidth 170, wdAdjustNone
        .Columns(3).SetWidth 100, wdAdjustNone
        .Columns(4).SetWidth 111, wdAdjustNone
        ' Set the shading on the first row to light gray.
        .Rows(1).Cells.Shading.BackgroundPatternColorIndex = _
        ' Format the first row in bold.
        .Rows(1).Range.Bold = True
        ' Center the text in Cell (1,1).
        .Cell(1, 1).Range.Paragraphs.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
        ' Fill each row of the table with data.
        FillRow wrdDoc, 1, "Class Number", "Class Name", "Class Time", _
        FillRow wrdDoc, 2, "EE220", "Introduction to Electronics II", _
           "1:00-2:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Jensen"
        FillRow wrdDoc, 3, "EE230", "Electromagnetic Field Theory I", _
           "10:00-11:30 T,T", "Dr. Crump"
        FillRow wrdDoc, 4, "EE300", "Feedback Control Systems", _
           "9:00-10:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Murdy"
        FillRow wrdDoc, 5, "EE325", "Advanced Digital Design", _
           "9:00-10:30 T,T", "Dr. Alley"
        FillRow wrdDoc, 6, "EE350", "Advanced Communication Systems", _
           "9:00-10:30 T,T", "Dr. Taylor"
        FillRow wrdDoc, 7, "EE400", "Advanced Microwave Theory", _
           "1:00-2:30 T,T", "Dr. Lee"
        FillRow wrdDoc, 8, "EE450", "Plasma Theory", _
           "1:00-2:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Davis"
        FillRow wrdDoc, 9, "EE500", "Principles of VLSI Design", _
           "3:00-4:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Ellison"
      End With
      ' Go to the end of the document.
      wrdApp.Selection.GoTo wdGoToLine, wdGoToLast
      InsertLines 2
      ' Create a string, and insert it into the document.
      StrToAdd = "For additional information regarding the " & _
                 "Department of Electrical Engineering, " & _
                 "you can visit our Web site at "
      wrdSelection.TypeText StrToAdd
      ' Insert a hyperlink to the Web page.
      wrdSelection.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=wrdSelection.Range, _
      ' Create a string, and insert it into the document.
      StrToAdd = ".  Thank you for your interest in the classes " & _
                 "offered in the Department of Electrical " & _
                 "Engineering.  If you have any other questions, " & _
                 "please feel free to give us a call at " & _
                 "555-1212." & vbCr & vbCr & _
                 "Sincerely," & vbCr & vbCr & _
                 "Kathryn M. Hinsch" & vbCr & _
                 "Department of Electrical Engineering" & vbCr
      wrdSelection.TypeText StrToAdd
    ' Perform mail merge.
      wrdMailMerge.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
      wrdMailMerge.Execute False
    ' Close the original form document.
      wrdDoc.Saved = True
      wrdDoc.Close False
    ' Notify user we are done.
      MsgBox "Mail Merge Complete.", vbMsgBoxSetForeground
    ' Release references.
      Set wrdSelection = Nothing
      Set wrdMailMerge = Nothing
      Set wrdMergeFields = Nothing
      Set wrdDoc = Nothing
      Set wrdApp = Nothing
    ' Clean up the temp file.
      Kill "C:\DataDoc.doc"
    End Sub
    Public Sub InsertLines(LineNum As Integer)
      Dim iCount As Integer
    ' Insert "LineNum" blank lines.
      For iCount = 1 To LineNum
      Next iCount
    End Sub
    Public Sub FillRow(Doc As Word.Document, Row As Integer, _
                       Text1 As String, Text2 As String, _
                       Text3 As String, Text4 As String)
      With Doc.Tables(1)
        ' Insert the data into the specific cell.
        .Cell(Row, 1).Range.InsertAfter Text1
        .Cell(Row, 2).Range.InsertAfter Text2
        .Cell(Row, 3).Range.InsertAfter Text3
        .Cell(Row, 4).Range.InsertAfter Text4
      End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub CreateMailMergeDataFile()
      Dim wrdDataDoc As Word.Document
      Dim iCount As Integer
    ' Create a data source at C:\DataDoc.doc that contains the field data.
      wrdDoc.MailMerge.CreateDataSource Name:="C:\DataDoc.doc", _
            HeaderRecord:="FirstName, LastName, Address, CityStateZip"
    ' Open the file to insert the data.
      Set wrdDataDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open("C:\DataDoc.doc")
      For iCount = 1 To 2
      Next iCount
    ' Fill in the data.
      FillRow wrdDataDoc, 2, "Steve", "DeBroux", _
            "4567 Main Street", "Buffalo, NY  98052"
      FillRow wrdDataDoc, 3, "Jan", "Miksovsky", _
            "1234 5th Street", "Charlotte, NC  98765"
      FillRow wrdDataDoc, 4, "Brian", "Valentine", _
            "12348 78th Street  Apt. 214", "Lubbock, TX  25874"
    ' Save and close the file.
      wrdDataDoc.Close False
    End Sub
  7. Press the F5 key and click the button to run the sample.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Compare Inkscape to CorelDraw and AdobeIllustrator


Inkscape tools = Adobe Illustrator tools = Corel Draw tools
Selector tool = Selection tool = Pick tool
Node tool = Direct selection tool = Shape tool

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Activates_Desired_Window - Ms Word VBA


Activate_Next_Window - Ms Word VBA

' Activate_Next_Window.txt 
' Activates the Next Window in the Window List (or cycles to top)
' *************************************************************


' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // See also: Activates desired Window
' //           Previous window (going to it)
' //           Window name (can be activated as needed)
' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Some Activate Window method in Microsoft Word's VBA

Some Activate Window method in Microsoft Word's VBA (Visual Basic Application)
Macro Office = VBA

type:word vba





Sunday, January 22, 2017

Text Editor Criteria 3

For editing:
  • Find and Replace
  • Block / Lines
    • Join Lines - separator by space or other custom character
    • Split Lines - { or character in clipboard or by any selection
    • Insert enter / blank lines before or after
  • Wrap / Enclose character with ...
  • Column Editor
    • Remove begin or pre character (1st, 2nd, 1, a...)
  • Space or Blank
    • Remove blank lines before and after.
  • Trim Space
    • Reduce redundant or more than one space
    • Reduce or remove space left / ltrim and right / rtrim
  • Tab to space
  • Auto complete
    • Keyword - case or incase sensitive
    • Last type - case or incase sensitive
    • Parameter or properties or attributes hint
    • Class or Object or Type or Function
    • Max length or index

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Regedit Lists & Categories 1

Registry Configuration List

Hardware and Peripheral Enhancements

Network and Connectivity Enhancements

Security Restrictions and System Policies

Enhancements for Windows Applications

Tips and Tricks
Windows Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

Windows Operating System Enhancements

Windows > Windows Explorer
Enable Text Auto Complete Feature for File Explorer (Windows10)
Remove Quick Access from File Explorer (Windows10)
Use double-pane Explorer when opening network drives (Windows 98/Me/2000/XP)
Skip the Open With web service prompt (Windows XP)
Restore Folder Windows at Startup (Windows XP)
Removing Item Types from the New Menu (All Windows)
Add Explore From Here to Every Folder (All Windows)
Registry Settings for the “Send To” Menu in Windows (All Windows)

Registry data:
computer-specific data
user-specific data.

Predefined Keys
Registry Hives

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Word Processor Tutorial List

Word Basics
User Interface
Change View
Mouse and Keyboard
Using the Insertion Point
Selecting Text
Backspace/Delete and Undo/Repeat
Insert and Overtype Mode
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Drag and Drop
AutoCorrect and Find and Replace
Spell and Grammar Check
Print Preview and Print

Basic Formatting
Using the Ruler
Using the Page Setup Dialog Box
Bold, Italics, Underline, and Format Painter
Font Size
Bullets and Numbered Lists
Using Templates

Advanced Formatting
Show/Hide Codes
Text Boxes
Working with Columns
Drawing Objects
Inserting Pictures
Editing Pictures

User Interface
Title Bar
Menu Bar
The Ruler
Document View
Text Area

File: New, Open, Save and Save As, Close
Mouse: Click, Double Click, Triple Click
Keyboard: Shortcut Notations, Backspace, Delete
Paragraph: Align, Paragraph Dialog Box, Normal and Hanging Indents, First-Line Indent, Tabs, Line Spacing
Tables: Moving Around a Table, Entering Text into a Table, Selecting an element table, Resizing, Adding row or column, Sorting, Merge and split, Table Headings, Converting Text to a Table, Splitting a Table, Table AutoFormat.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Computer Technician - utilities list

SamDrivers 16.11 (2016)
Description :
Collection of drivers from SamLab.ws for all 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems ranging from Windows 2000 to Windows 10, including server platforms. As the shell-installer to auto-detect your hardware and automatically install the necessary drivers to use special programs: DriverPack Solution 16.11 Plus / Drivers Installer Assistant 6.10.3 / Snappy Driver Installer 0.3.526 / DriverX 3.05 Beta / shell for backup drivers Drivers Backup Solution 3.90. 21. The collection includes the most current drivers on the date of the release of personally collected SamLab. Do not confuse this package with a driver-packs from Bashrat'a - these drivers are newer and more stable. SamLab long been a member of the team Bashrat has the opportunity to know about all the problems of a similar driver packs to create its own set of the most comprehensive and peaceful!

Key features of the collection:
Support for 32/64-bit Windows XP / Vista operating systems / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
Maximum set of drivers for PCs and notebooks on the same disc
Automatic installation of the one-touch driver and software
Rapid diagnosis of your computer / laptop equipment
Backup installed drivers in the system
The friendly and helpful multilingual interface
Ability to work with any carrier program

System Requirement:
all 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems ranging from Windows 2000 to Windows 10, including server platforms.