Saturday, March 29, 2014

Menghapus Warna Background Pada Foto - Corel Draw

Menghapus Warna Background Pada Foto

pada Menu Bar pilih sub menu Bitmaps > dan klik Convert to Bitmap...

Friday, March 28, 2014

HTML Table Generator

Tables Generator

Table Editor


Friday, March 21, 2014

Accounting Software Indonesia

Accurate Accounting
DacEasy Accounting
Microsoft Office Accounting Express (MOAE)
Zahir Accounting

Friday, March 7, 2014

CorelDraw Toolbox

Pick Tool
Shape Tool
Crop tool

CorelDRAW Tools Keyboard Shortcut

Freehand Tool = F5

Rectangle Tool = F6

Ellipse Tool = F7

Text Tool = F8

Shape Tool = F10

Outline Tool / Outline Pen Dialog = F12
Outline Color Dialog = Shift+F12

Artistic Media Tool = I

Eraser Tool = X

Interactive Fill Tool = G
Interactive Mesh Fill Tool = M
Polygon Tool = Y
Spiral Tool = A

Zoom = Z

Hand Tool = H

Graph Paper Tool = D

Smart Drawing Tool = Shift+S

CorelDRAW Tools

  • Pick - Selecting and editing objects.
  • Shape - Reshaping objects.
  • Zoom - Changing the viewing window.
  • Freehand - Drawing lines, curves, and PowerLines. Flyout gives you access to the Bezier tool.
  • Dimensions - Adding dimension lines. (This is on the Freehand Flyout in CorelDRAW 7).
  • Rectangle - Drawing rectangles and squares.
  • Ellipse - Drawing ellipses and circles.
  • Polygon - Drawing multiple-sided shapes. Flyout gives you access to the Spiral and Graph Paper tools.
  • Text - Adding Artistic text. Flyout gives you access to the Paragraph text tool
  • Interactive Fill (CorelDRAW 7+) - Applying fills directly using Property Bar toolbar. (Use the Fill Roll-up in CorelDRAW 6).
  • Interactive Transparency (CorelDRAW 7+) - Applying Uniform, Fountain, Pattern, and Texture transparencies to objects. (Use Transparent Lens in CorelDRAW 6).
  • Interactive Blend (CorelDRAW 7+) - Blends two objects using Direct Blend, Clockwise Blend and Counterclockwise Blend. (Use Blend on Effects menu in CorelDRAW 6).
  • Outline - Setting outline attributes, line widths and colours.
  • Fill - Setting fill attributes, colours, tiling etc.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

keyboard shortcut tool Photoshop.

daftar beberapa keyboard shortcut pada tool Photoshop.
  • Rectangular Marquee tool = M
  • Elliptical Marquee tool = M
  • Move tool = V
  • Lasso tool = L
  • Polygonal Lasso tool = L
  • Magnetic Lasso tool = L
  • Magic Wand tool = W
  • Quick Selection tool = W
  • Crop tool = C
  • Slice tool = K
  • Slice Select tool = K
  • Spot Healing Brush tool = J
  • Healing Brush tool = J
  • Patch tool = J
  • Red Eye tool = J
  • Brush tool = B
  • Pencil tool = B
  • Color Replacement tool = B
  • Clone Stamp tool = S
  • Pattern Stamp tool = S
  • History Brush tool = Y
  • Art History Brush tool = Y
  • Eraser tool = E
  • Background Eraser tool = E
  • Magic Eraser tool = E
  • Gradient tool = G
  • Paint Bucket tool = G
  • Blur tool = R
  • Sharpen tool = R
  • Smudge tool = R
  • Dodge tool = O
  • Burn tool = O
  • Sponge tool = O
  • Path Selection tool = A
  • Direct Selection tool = A
  • Horizontal Type tool = T
  • Vertical Type tool = T
  • Horizontal Type mask tool = T
  • Vertical Type mask tool = T
  • Pen tool = P
  • Freeform Pen tool = P
  • Rectangle tool = U
  • Rounded Rectangle tool = U
  • Ellipse tool = U
  • Polygon tool = U
  • Line tool = U
  • Custom Shape tool = U
  • Notes tool = N
  • Audio Annotation tool = N
  • Eyedropper tool = I
  • Color Sampler tool = I
  • Measure tool = I
  • Hand tool = H
  • Zoom tool = Z