Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Search the contents of the current page in firefox

How to search the contents of the current page
  1. Search Text
    1. Without change preferences or options of Firefox
      • Using the Find bar
        1.  Click on the three line menu button, and then click Find. (Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+F.) A search field will appear at the bottom.
        2. Type what you would like to search into the search field. Firefox will automatically highlight matching searches on the page as you type.
        3. Choose from the following actions in the Find bar:
          • X: Close the find bar.
          • Next and Previous arrows: Jumps to each match on the page.
          • Highlight All: Highlight all terms that match the search you've entered. Click Highlight All again to turn off highlighting.
          • Match case: Make searches case sensitive. Normally if you search for search phrase, instances of Search Phrase on the page will also be found when you use the Find bar. If Match case is selected, only instances of the phrase as you've typed it will be found.
          • Whole Words: This highlights only entire words that match your search.
        4. Firefox will let you know when it can't find a match by showing Phrase not found. 
      • Quick Find bar
        1. useful for quick searches and is meant to disappear after a few moments.
        2. It does not have the Next, Previous, or Highlight All buttons like the full Find bar.
        3. Press the / key (forward slash character) to open the Quick Find bar. Then type what you would like to search for.
        4. Press F3 or Ctrl+G to find the next result (like press Next button on the Find bar). Press Shift+F3 or Ctrl+Shift+G to find the previous result (like press Previous button on the Find bar). You can do the find next or find previous action even the Quick Find bar is disappear.
    2. With change preferences or options of Firefox
      • Find while typing on a page
  2. Search links only
    If you want to find phrases that occur in links on the page you're viewing:
    1. Type ' (single quote character) to bring up the Quick Find (links only) bar.
    2. Type a search phrase into the Quick Find (links only) field. The first link that contains the phrase you've typed will be selected.
    3. You can do action in the Quick Find bar point iv too.
General action that you can do whether you want search text or link
  1. Press Ctrl+G or F3 to highlight the next result that contains your search phrase. 
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3 to highlight the previous result that contains your search phrase.
  3. To close the Quick Find bar or Find bar, wait a moment then press the Esc key on the keyboard. Click somewhere in Firefox that is not part of the Quick Find bar. Click X to close Find bar.
reference: support.mozilla.org

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