Friday, February 19, 2016

Video Player with Timeline Preview

Timeline Seek Preview or Progress Bar Seek Preview is a feature that displays a preview thumbnail image when you hover the mouse over a spot in the video timeline. Timeline Seek Preview feature can help if you want to quickly switch to the video part you want to watch.

These following video players supports such feature and allows you to easily preview video parts with automatically generated thumbnails when you simply move the mouse cursor over the video timeline.

MPC-BE (Media Player Classic - Black Edition)

MPC-BE is an open-source video player which is based on the original Media Player Classic (MPC) project and Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC - HC), contains additional features and bug fixes.

To enable live video preview feature in MPC-BE, go to:
View > Options > Interface > check "Use the preview in the search"

bonus trik:
MPC-HC Seekbar Not Jumping to Correct Position with Mouse Click.
Turned Fast seek off under : View->Options->Tweaks->Fast seek (on keyframe)

  • Works best with multimedia codec, example: K-Lite codec or CCCP - Combined Community Codec Pack (specifically built for playing videos) which makes PC a home theatre where every type of media can be enjoyed.
  • some video must configured before playing for best watching.


ExMplayer is a Mplayer GUI / Mplayer frontend With Thumbnail Seek Preview.
(based on Qt - GUI)
  • You don't need change any configuration.
  • ExMplayer is resource hungry, when compared to similar Qt-based media player with default settings.
  • ExMplayer cannot plays any video file with just drag and drop, you must using a File menu on menu bar.

Zoom Player

Zoom Player has it as an option: Interface -> Control Bar -> Timeline Area -> Show position preview thumbnail.


KMPlayer supports a video seek preview feature. A video seek preview can be enabled if you go to:
Options > Preferences > Playback and check in the box "Show video frame instantly when seeking with mouse"
  •  KMPlayer has an advertising.


To enable video preview in PotPlayer, go to:
Preferences > Playback and under Progress Bar section (at the bottom) check "Show thumbnail previews".