Friday, February 12, 2016

Dictionary software PC

Dictionary software PC Features

Searching Mode:
  • Exact Match (with all of the words)
  • Begin with / Starts with
  • Ending With / Ends with
  • Similar with / Closed words / Suggest words
  • Contain of
  • Tag Search Mode / Topic Search Mode / Theme Search Mode / Category Search Mode / Word Class Mode / Terms Mode
    • Medical
    • Legal
    • Financial
  • Random Result
  • Search with certain length of word
  • Instant Result / Search result together with typing
Searching Display / Accessibility Options:
  • Count Result / How Many Result
  • Search box / Search Text Box
    • select:
      • Press Esc ( Escape ) in Search Text Box, will select all Search Text Box
      • Press Ctrl + A in Search Text Box, will select all Search Text Box.
    • type:
      • Type in every part of user interface except in menu, will start to search
      • type in result panel, will start to search
    • delete:
      • Press Ctrl + Backspace will delete word to the left / previous word from active cursor.
      • Press Ctrl + Delete will delete word to the right / next word after cursor.
  • Word of the day

Word Result, Phrase Result, Definition, Synonym, Antonym, Example
Reverse Search / Switch search in Term or vocabulary and meaning.
History: log till 200 result, log popular frequency
Export search result / search history

Learning Mode

Add / Edit / Update Database Dictionary
Import / Export Database Dictionary

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