Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Windows

For (Window/Child Window/MDI Window/Dialog Box) Programs Under Microsoft Windows
  • ALT+F4: Quit program
  • CTRL+F4: Closes the current MDI child window
  • F1: Starts Program's Help
  • F10: Activates menu bar options
  • SHIFT+F10: Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (like you right-click an object)
  • ALT+SPACE: Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
  • ALT+- (ALT+hyphen): Displays the MDI child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
  • ALT+TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
  • CTRL+TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Switch to the previous child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program.
  • ALT+F6 or Ctrl+F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Find dialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window)
  • ALT+underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
 Dialog box keyboard commands
  • TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box
  • SHIFT+TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box
  • SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option.
  • ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
  • ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
  • ALT+underlined letter in dialog box item: Move to the corresponding item
  • MDI = Multiple Document Interface
  • shortcut menu or context menu or right click menu
  • ALT = ALTERNATE keyboard, usually in left and right side of your spacebar
  • CTRL = CONTROL keyboard, usually you found in left side before the left ALT and right side after the right ALT.
Notes: If there are some mistake in the post, or you have some idea, critic, and suggest, you may give comment on the comment box.

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