Saturday, June 13, 2020

Most Option In Notepad++ and Plugin


Notepad++ Configuration:

Notepad++ Configuration inside XML files are all found in %AppData%\notepad++\ (or, for zip-based local installations, in the notepad++ executable directory) unless otherwise noted.
  • General
    • Toolbar: Small icons (prefer to small screen) / Big icons (prefer to big screen).
    • Document List Panel: Disable extension column: If enabled, the Doc Switcher panel will show the extension as part of the Name column).
  • Editing
    • Multi-Editing Settings: allows multiple selections not necessarily contiguous with each other by using Ctrl+Mouse click on the selection(s).
  • Language
    • Tab settings:
      • Replace by space: when set, hitting TAB will insert that number of spaces; when not set, TAB will insert the literal ASCII TAB character.
    • Treat backslash as escape character for SQL: this affects the Language > SQL handling of the \ backslash character (Note: this option moved from MISC Preferences in v7.8.1)
  • Highlighting
    • Highlight Matching Tags
      • Highlight comment/php/asp zone.
  • Backup
    • Session snapshot and periodic backup
      • Remember current session for next launch: the current session is the current list of open files. The next time you run Notepad++, it will open with that same list of files.
      • Enable session snapshot and periodic backup: this will auto-save your changed file once every N seconds to the listed directory (default to %AppData%\Notepad++\backup\).
        1. It is not possible to select this option without Remember current session ... also being active.
        2. This is also how you enable Notepad++ to remember unsaved changes.
        3. This will allow you to exit Notepad++ and resume, remembering changes to files that hadn’t been intentionally saved.
        4. When you exit Notepad++ with unsaved changes, Notepad++ will not ask you to save changes. It will just keep the periodic backup file, and reload from there rather than from the normal disk location for the file.
        5. If you want Notepad++ to ask to you save edited files every time you close the file or exit Notepad++, do not enable this option.
        6. This is not a long-term backup option.
        7. Every time you do a manual save, or close the file while leaving Notepad++ open, this periodic backup of the file will be deleted.
        8. If there is a Notepad++ crash or Windows crash, it is possible for you to lose data.
  • Auto-Completion
    • Enable auto-completion on each input: a dropdown selection will appear as you type; arrow keys will select various choices, TAB or ENTER will accept a choice, ESC will cancel auto-completion.
    • Function parameters hint on input: for applicable programming languages, will provide hints on what to type in a function parameter list.
    • Auto-indent: when making a new line, automatically indent (following TAB or space settings for the active Language) based on the indent of the previous line (note: this setting was in the MISC preferences prior to v7.8.3)
  •  Delimiter
    • Delimiter selection settings
      • If you define open and close characters, Ctrl + MouseDoubleClick will select everything inside that delimiter pair.
      • Allow on several lines: Ctrl + MouseDoubleClick will work across multiple lines, instead of just on a single line.
  • MISC.
    • Document Switcher
      • Enable: hitting Ctrl+TAB will allow you to easily switch through all the open documents.
      • Enable MRU behavior: it will default to selecting the most-recently-used file (or “MRU”, for short) in the Ctrl+TAB list.
    • Clickable Link Settings
      • Enable: text that appears to be a URL will allow you to double-click to open that URL in your default browser. When you hover over the URL, it will change to the style defined in Style Configurator > Global Styles > URL hovered.
    • Show only filename in title bar: use just the file name (instead of the full path) of the active file in the Notepad++ title bar.
    • Enable Notepad++ auto-updater: will automatically download updates from the official website, once the development team has decided it’s time to push an update to users. If disabled, you will have to manually download the installer from the official website yourself.
    • Don't fill find field in Find dialog with selected word: when enabled, Find command will not replace the Find What text with the currently-selected text; when disabled (default), the Find What text will be replaced (added v7.8.3).
    • Session file ext.: populate with a file extension (without the .). When you open a file with this extension (whether from Windows file associations, or from the Notepad++ File > Open or similar), Notepad++ will treat the file as a session file, and open the files from that session, rather than showing and editing the contents of the file. This will honor the Multi-Instance settings.
    • Workspace file ext.: populate with a file extension (without the .). When you open a file with this extension (whether from Windows file associations, or from the Notepad++ File > Open or similar), Notepad++ will treat the file as a workspace file, and open that workspace, rather than showing and editing the contents of the file. This will honor the Multi-Instance settings.

Notepad++ Plugin:


Plugin > DSpellCheck
remove check on "Check Only Comments and Strings if Possible"


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