Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Add On Firefox 2

Add On Firefox

What’s That Preference
Quick Reference Firefox about:config Preferences On MozillaZine
UnloadTabs (Unload inactive tabs and reduce resource usage in Firefox)

AdBlock Video (Blocks Ads on Hulu, CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox)

Open in Browser (Open files in text, web page, source, XML and image format)
Link Status Redux


@copy Links

Copy Urls Expert

@Copy function

Easy Copy 

context menu plus
free memory
google search link fix
link status redux
snap link plus

Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save

show file size2
scrapbook plus
scrapbook backup helper
scrapbook copypageinfo
scrapbook chm creator
tile tab


must restart
Makes it easy to copy link text and locations.

must restart
Copy Plain Text 2
Copies text without formatting.

Usage: Click 'Copy' to clipboard link or Right Click on a Code Block & select "Copy Code"
Please note that right click only works with code blocks enclosed in "code" tag

no restart
Copy Link Text
right-clicking a link, its text can be immediately copied.
right-click images to get alt text and drop-down menu items, buttons, and other form controls to get their text or values, including password fields if that option is enabled.

no restart
Copy URL
Copy the URL of the current page to the clipboard at the click of a button. Copy URL is the "little brother" of the Copy ShortURL add-on.


Down for Everyone or Just me
Adblock Plus
Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus
Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon
Disable Anti-Adblock
Image Block
no restart
Flash Control
Just Disable Stuff
Toggle animated GIFs
Image Blocker


must restart
Link Status Redux
Shows an indicator on the status bar in front of the link address when the mouse cursor is over a link to a page you bookmarked or visited before.

Google search link fix
Prevents Google, Yahoo and Yandex search pages from modifying search result links when you click them. This is useful when copying links but it also helps privacy by preventing the search engines from recording your clicks.

Link Alert
Displays an icon in the tooltip or next to the cursor indicating the target of a link.

Text Link
Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.

Link Gopher
Extracts all links from web page, sorts them, removes duplicates, and displays them in a new tab for inspection or copy and paste into other systems.


 no restart
Tab History Redux
Links opened in a new tab retain their history. (If you open a link in a new tab, and then click back in that new tab, you'll go back to the page you opened the link from.)

BackTrack Tab History
Links that are opened in new tabs (and optionally in new windows) retain the "back" (session) history from the parent window.


Save Link in Folder
Easily save links in personally customized folders.
Save Image in Folder
Easily save images in personally customized.


ScribeFire Next
blog, blogger, wordpress

Text Formatting Toolbar
Toolbar for formatting text in BBcode, HTML or Wiki code.

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