Thursday, April 28, 2016

Absolute Coordinates in AutoCAD

Absolute Coordinates uses the Cartesian System to specify a position in the X, Y, and (if needed) Z axes to locate a point from the 0-X, 0-Y, and 0-Z (0,0,0) point. To locate a point using the Absolute Coordinate system, type the X-value, Y-value, and, if needed, the Z-value separated by commas (with no spaces).

How to switch absolute to relative coordinates in AutoCAD
command line: DSETTINGS
To change the pointer input between absolute and relative coordinates: 
  1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog box, click the Dynamic Input tab.
  2. Under Pointer Input, click Settings.
  3. In the Pointer Input Settings dialog box, select either Relative Coordinates or Absolute Coordinates, as desired.

<F12> to switch off dynamic mode input.
Cartesian ( Absolute ) and Relative Coordinate input parameter in comand line parameter input: (maybe little different in different AutoCAD version.
  • a leading @ before the coordinates means relative (sample @10,10)
  • a leading * before the coordinates means absolute input for x,y,z / 3D (sample *10,10,10)
  • a leading # before the coordinates means absolute input for x,y (2D) or ,z (3D) (sample *10,10,10)
DYNPICOORDS (System Variable)
Controls whether pointer input uses relative or absolute format for coordinates even dynamic input switch to on or switch to off.


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