Friday, December 30, 2016

General Format Ebook and Ebook Reader

pc=adobe reader, foxit, sumatra

reader:XCHM, Sumatra PDF Reader, FBReader, Mobipocket Reader, CHM Reader extension for FireFox,

reader: Sumatra PDF Reader, Cool Reader, Calibre, EPUBReader FireFox extension

reader:WinDjView, STDU Viewer, DjVuLibre DjView

comic book image / GIF, JPEG, BMP or PNG.
cbr, cbz, cb7
Comic Book ZIP / RAR / 7zip / TAR / ACE
reader:  CDisplay Ex, GonVisor, CBR Reader, ComicRack, Calibre, Sumatra PDF Reader, Comical, HoneyView and Manga Reader.

reader:FBReader, Mobipocket Reader, Cool Reader

DjVu (pronounced "déjà vu") is a new image compression technology developed since 1996 at AT&T Labs. Most DJVU files are just scans. The text has been created using OCR software. If this software did not support your language, then obviously all the text is just gibberish. You normally can't see this, because DJVU files can show an image layer with the original image of the scan on top of the text layer.

multi reader

( for your reading hobby )
Cool Reader
FB2, TXT, RTF, DOC, TCR, HTML, EPUB, CHM, PDB, MOBI. Platforms: Win32, Linux, Android.

STDU Viewer
DJVU, FB2 and JBIG2, WWF, PDF, TIFF, TXT, CBZ, CBR, BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PSD, EMF, WMF, XPS and TCR. With the compact size of just 4MB

Icecream Ebook Reader
supports both CBZ and CBR formats.

Free cross-platform file reader that supports DjVu, PDF, TIFF, DVI and PostScript documents and takes almost 76MB of your computer space.

Sumatra PDF Reader
DjVu, PDF, CBZ, CBR, ePub, Mobi, CHM and XPS. The size of the program is a bit less than 11MB.

ePub, like Mobi, FB2, PDF, DjVu and some others.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

MYOB Account List Term

ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM DUNIA AKUNTANSI (AKUN/Rekening/Perkiraan/Pos akuntansi/Transaksi-Transaksi) & MYOB

Aktiva (Harta/Asset Accounts)
Aktiva Lancar (Current Asset)
Kas (Cash)
Akrual (Accruals)
Piutang (Account Receivables/Trade Debtor)
Prepaid (Dibayar di muka)
Persediaan (Inventory)
Supplies (Perlengkapan)
Aktiva Tetap (Fixed Assets)
Akumulasi Penyusutan (Accumulated Depreciation)
Beban (Expense Accounts)
Biaya (Cost)
Ekuitas (Modal/Equity/Capital Accounts)
Kewajiban (Liability Accounts)
Hutang Dagang (Account Payable/Trade Creditor)
Kontra (Contra Accounts)
Kewajiban Lancar (Current Liabilities)
Kewajiban Jangka Panjang (Long Terms Liabilities)
Laba/Pendapatan-Harga Pokok Penjualan-Beban (Earnings/Gain)
Modal Pemilik (Owner's Equity Account)
Nominal/ Akun Laba-Rugi (Nominal Accounts)
Penarikan Modal Pemilik / Prive (Owner's Withdrawal/Drawer Account)
Pendapatan (Revenue/Income Accounts)
Akun Permanen (Permanent Accounts)
Akun Riil/Akun Neraca (Real Accounts)
Akun Sementara (Temporary Accounts)
Akun/Rekening/Perkiraan (Accounts)
Cadangan (Allowance)
Laba ditahan (Retained earning)
Retur Pembelian (Settle a credit invoice)
Retur (Settle Return and Credits)

Proses menyesuaikan catatan perusahaan dengan catatan bank (Reconciling)
Transaksi yang selalu berulang terjadi seperti, biaya gaji, beban sewa (Recurring transaction)
Akun yanng terkait dengan akun lain (Linked Account)
Sistem pencatatan akuntansi berganda/berpasangan/debt-credit (Double Entry Accounting)
Pemasok barang ke perusahaan (Supplier)

Tipe Akun

pos akuntansi /pengolongan perkiraan transaksi:
Harta / Aktiva
Kewajiban / Liabilities
Modal / Equity / Liabilities
Pendapatan / Income / Earn
Beban / Expense

Artikel lain yang mungkin menarik:
Sistem Dalam Akuntansi

Sistem Dalam Akuntansi - 2

 Tujuan Analisis Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan

Tujuan utama analisis laporan keuangan adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Sebagai alat barometer untuk melakukan forecasting atau memproyeksikan posisi keuangan dimasa yang akan datang.
  • Mereview kondisi perusahaan saat ini, permasalahan dalam manajemen, operasional maupun, keuangan.
  • Alat ukur untuk melakukan efisiensi di semua departemen perusahaan.

Metode dan Tehnik Analisis Rasio Keuangan Perusahaan

Ada 2 metode  analisa :
  • Analisa horizontal adalah analisa dengan mengadakan pembandingan laporan keuangan untuk beberapa perode  sehingga diketahui  perkembangannya.
  • Analisa vertikal dimana  laporan keuangan yang dianalisis  hanya  meliputi satu  periode saja. Yaitu dengan membandingkan pos yang satu dengan pos yang lainnya dalam laporan keuangan tersebut sehingga hanya diketahui  keadaan keuangan  saat itu.
Dalam menganalisa laporan keuangan terdapat beberapa Teknik yang bisa dijadikan tolak ukur untuk menilai posisi keuangan perusahaan antara lain:

  1. Teknik Analisa Pertumbuhan / Growth Rate
    Tehnik analisa yang disusun dengan membandingkan kenaikan atau penurunan posisi laporan keuangan pada suatu periode tertentu dengan periode lainnya dari masing-masing pos yang terdapat di dalam laporan keuangan tersebut dengan menggunakan nilai persentase. Data yang disajikan bisa dengan membandingkan kenaikan atau penurunan masing-masing pos laporan keuangan bulan lalu dengan bulan sekarang, atau periode Year to Date periode yang sama tahun lalu dengan sekarang.
    Basic Growth Rate = {(Present - Past) / Past} * 100%

    (Average Growth Rate Over) Regular Time Interval
    Present = Past x (1 + Growth Rate)n
    Growth Rate = (Present/Past)1/n - 1
    n is number of time periods.

  2. Teknik Trend dan Indeks / Kecenderungan
  3. Teknik analisa hampir sama dengan Teknik Analisa Pertumbuhan namun angka pembanding adalah laporan keuangan periode tertentu yang dijadikan indeks dan dipilih sebagai tahun dasar. Teknik tren ini sangat berguna untuk memproyeksikan laporan keuangan di masa yang akan datang dengan menggunakan data historis.

  4. Teknik Analisis Rasio / Perbandingan
  5. Teknik analisis dengan membandingkan masing-masing pos laporan keuangan yang relevan atau data yang signifikan.

Analisis Rasio Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan

Analisa rasio keuangan yang biasa digunakan adalah:

1. Rasio Likuiditas
Rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan untuk memenuhi kemampuan finansialnya dalam jangka pendek.

Ada beberapa jenis rasio likuiditas antara lain :

a. Current Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam membayar kewajiban finansial jangka pendek dengan mengunakan aktiva lancar.

Rumus menghitung Current Ratio:
Current Ratio = Aktiva Lancar / Hutang Lancar X 100%

b. Cash Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam membayar kewajiban finansial jangka pendek dengan mengunakan kas yang tersedia dan berikut surat berharga atau efek jangka pendek.

Rumus menghitung Cash Ratio:
Cash Ratio = Kas + Efek / Hutang Lancar X 100%

c. Quick Ratio atau Acid Test Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam membayar kewajiban finansial jangka pendek dengan mengunakan aktiva lancar yang lebih likuid (Liquid Assets).

Rumus menghitung Quick Ratio:
Quick Ratio = Kas + Efek + Piutang / Hutang Lancar X 100%

    Catatan : Nilai ideal dari ketiga analisa rasio likuiditas ini ini adalah minimum sebesar 150%, semakin besar adalah semakin baik dan perusahaan dalam kondisi sehat.

2. Rasio Profitabilitas atau Rentabilitas
Rasio untuk mengukur seberapa besar kemampuan perusahaan memperoleh laba dalam hubungannya dengan nilai penjualan, aktiva, dan modal sendiri.

Ada beberapa jenis rasio profitabilitas antara lain :

a. Gross Profit Margin, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam mendapatkan laba kotor dari penjualan.

Rumus menghitung Gross Profit Margin:
Gross Profit Margin = Penjualan Netto - HPP / Penjualan Netto X 100%

b. Operating Income Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam mendapatkan laba operasi sebelum bunga dan pajak dari penjualan.

Rumus menghitung Operating Income Ratio:
Operating Income Ratio = Penjualan Netto - HPP – Biaya Administrasi & Umum (EBIT) / Penjualan Netto X 100%

c. Net Profit Margin, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam mendapatkan laba bersih dari penjualan.

Rumus menghitung Net Profit Margin:
Net Profit Margin = Laba Bersih Setelah Pajak (EAT) / Penjualan Netto X 100%

d. Earning Power of Total Investment, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam mengelola modal yang dimiliki yang diinvestasikan dalam keseluruhan aktiva untuk menghasilkan keuntungan bagi investor dan pemegang saham.

Rumus menghitung Earning Power of Total Investment:
Earning Power of Total Investment = EBIT / Jumlah Aktiva X 100%

e. Rate of Return Investment (ROI) atau Net Earning Power Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan modal yang diinvestasikan dalam keseluruhan aktiva untuk menghasilkan pendapatan bersih.

Rumus menghitung Rate of Return Investment (ROI):
Rate of Return Investment (ROI) = EAT / Jumlah Aktiva X 100%

f. Return on Equity (ROE), rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan equity untuk menghasilkan pendapatan bersih.

Rumus menghitung Return on Equity (ROE):
Return on Equity (ROE) = EAT / Jumlah Equity X 100%

g. Rate of Return on Net Worth atau Rate of Return for the Owners, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan modal sendiri diinvestasikan dalam menghasilkan pendapatan bagi pemegang saham.

Rumus menghitung Rate of Return on Net Worth:
Rate of Return on Net Worth = EAT / Jumlah Modal Sendiri X 100%

    Catatan : Semakin tinggi nilai persentase Rasio Profitabilitas ini adalah adalah semakin baik, sebaiknya Anda bisa membandingkannya dengan nilai rata-rata dari industri sejenis di pasar.

3. Rasio Solvabilitas atau Leverage Ratio
Rasio untuk mengukur seberapa besar kemampuan perusahaan memenuhi semua kewajiban finansial jangka panjang.

Ada beberapa jenis rasio Solvabilitas antara lain :

a. Total Debt to Assets Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dalam menjamin hutang-hutangnya dengan sejumlah aktiva yang dimilikinya.

Rumus menghitung Total Debt to Assets Ratio:
Total Debt to Assets Ratio = Total Hutang / Total Aktiva X 100%

b. Total Debt to Equity Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur seberapa besar perusahaan dibiayai oleh pihak kreditur dibandingkan dengan equity.

Rumus menghitung Total Debt to Equity Ratio:
Total Debt to Assets Ratio = Total Hutang / Modal Sendiri X 100%

    Catatan : Semakin tinggi nilai persentase Rasio Solvabilitas ini adalah semakin buruk kemampuan perusahaan untuk membayar kewajiban jangka panjangnya, maksimal nilainya adalah 200%.

4. Rasio Aktifitas atau Activity Ratio
Rasio untuk mengukur seberapa efektif perusahaan dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya yang dimilikinya.

Ada beberapa jenis rasio Solvabilitas antara lain :

a. Total Assets Turn Over, rasio untuk mengukur tingkat perputaran total aktiva terhadap penjualan.

Rumus menghitung Total Assets Turn Over Ratio:
Total Assets Turn Over Ratio = Penjualan  / Total Aktiva X 100%

b. Working Capital Turn Over, rasio untuk mengukur tingkat perputaran modal kerja bersih (Aktiva Lancar-Hutang Lancar) terhadap penjualan selama suatu periode siklus kas dari perusahaan.

Rumus menghitung Working Capital Turn Over Ratio:
Working Capital Turn Over Ratio = Penjualan  / Modal Kerja Bersih X 100%

c. Fixed Assets Turn Over, rasio untuk mengukur perbandingan antara aktiva tetap yang dimiliki terhadap penjualan.

Rasio ini berguna untuk mengevaluasi seberapa besar tingkat kemampuan perusahaan dalam memanfaatkan aktivatetap yang dimiliki secara efisien dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan.

Rumus menghitung Fixed Assets Turn Over Ratio:
Fixed Assets Turn Over Ratio = Penjualan  / Aktiva Tetap X 100%

d. Inventory Turn Over, rasio untuk mengukur tingkat efisiensi pengelolaan perputaran persediaan yang dimiliki terhadap penjualan.

Semakin tinggi rasio ini akan semakin baik dan menunjukkan pengelolaan persediaan yang efisien.

Rumus menghitung Inventory Turn Over Ratio:
Inventory Turn Over Ratio = Penjualan  / Persediaan X 100%

e. Average Collection Period Ratio, rasio untuk mengukur  berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dalam menerima seluruh tagihan dari konsumen.

Rumus menghitung Average Collection Period Ratio:
Average Collection Period Ratio = Piutang X 365  / Penjualan  X 100%

f. Receivable Turn Over, rasio untuk mengukur tingkat perputaran piutang dengan membagi nilai penjualan kredit terhadap piutang rata-rata.

Semakin tinggi rasio ini akan semakin baik dan menunjukan modal kerja yang ditanamkan dalam piutang rendah.

Rumus menghitung Receivable Turn Over Ratio:
Receivable Turn Over Ratio = Penjualan  / Piutang Rata-Rata X 100%

Sistem Dalam Akuntansi 1

metode atau sistem dalam akuntansi

metode dan sistem pencatatan akuntansi pendapatan dan biaya/sistem pencatatan transaksi:
-basis akrual/modern.
-basis kas/tradisional.

prinsip pengakuan pendapatan:
Pengakuan pendapatan pada saat penjualan (penyerahan)
Pengakuan pendapatan sebelum penyerahan

sistem syarat pembayaran / syarat jual beli:
-terms information:
Tunai atau kontan
n/30 (n adalah singkatan dari netto)
n/EOM (End of Month)
n/10 EOM
2/10, n/30

syarat pengiriman/penyerahan barang:
FOB Shipping Point (franco gudang penjual) - beban angkut pembelian
FOB Distinationt Point (franco gudang pembeli) - beban angkut penjualan

sistem pencatatan inventori/metode pencatatan persediaan:
-perpetual/saldo permanen, kartu stok.

sistem inventori untuk menentukan harga pokok penjualan (HPP) / Cost of Good Sales (COGS):

FIFO (First In First Out)
LIFO (Last In First Out)
Rata-Rata / Average

sistem pencatatan kas kecil:
-imprest system (sistem dana tetap)
-fluktuasi (Sistem dana Berubah)

sistem penyusutan / depresiasi / depreciation:

metode garis lurus
metode saldo menurun
metode jumlah angka tahun
metode satuan jam kerja
metode satuan hasil produksi

sistem pembiayaan:

activity based cost (abc)
cost driver
rasio konsumsi
homogeneous cost pool
traditional costing

menaksir biaya persediaan / supply chain forecasting cost method:

berdasarkan harga eceran
berdasarkan laba kotor

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Box Model - CSS

Box Model

  1. Dimension / Size:
    • Height, Width
  2. Offside area / Outer area / Bleed area
    • Border
    • Padding
    • Margin
  3. Position
    • clear
    • float
    • left
    • top
    • position
    • z-index
  4. Decoration
    • background
  5. Appearance
    • display
    • overflow
    • visibility

UI/UX Design Category 2

(G) UI / UX
(Graphical) User Interface/User eXperience Kit Category:
  • Form components / Form controls / Form Element / Form field
    • Action
      • Buttons
      • Switch button / Toggles / Toogles Button / Button Label
      • Tab
    • Input
      • Input field / text box / text field
      • Text Area
      • Sliders
      • Spin button / UpDown (value) button
      • Dial button
    • Selection
      • Check boxes
      • Radio buttons
      • Drop down button / Combo box (field)
      • List box / Select box (field)
    • Output field
      • Label / Output field
      • Icons / Images
      • Glyphs / Font Character
      • Table
      • Bullet and Numbering / Unordered and Ordered List
      • Scrollbar / Scrollpanel
      • Decorative Lines
      • Background Color / Background Image
      • Status bar
      • Progressbars
  • Enhanced Elements
    • Container
      • Frame
      • Panel
    • Menu
    • Toolbar
    • Navigation
      • paging / pagination
      • display or view button
      • dot / indicator navigation
      • breadcrumb navigation
    • Dialog
      • Modal (Dialog) / Pop up
      • Tooltips / Notification / Feedback tooltip
      • Font / Glyphs / Symbol dialog
      • Color Swatches
      • Calendar
      • Login / Register
      • Contact Form
    • Multimedia
    • Data Visualization
      • Chart / Graphic
    • Image
      • Image Carousel / Image Sliders / Image Transition / Image Slide show
      • (Image) Light box
    • Animation / Effect
      • Transition
      • Mask Effect
      • Hover Effect
    • Multimedia player panel

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Web UI/UX Category 1

Web User Interface/User eXperience Kit Category:
  • Foundation Elements
    • Form components
      • Buttons
      • Inputs
      • Check boxes
      • Radio buttons
      • Drop down button / Combo box / Select box (field)
    • Basic HTML elements:
      • Headers / Heading
      • Textbox / Textarea
      • Icons / Images
      • Glyphs / Font Character
      • Table
      • Grid (Div, Span / Table)
      • (Block)Quotes
      • Bullet and Numbering / Unordered and Ordered List
      • Description List
      • Scrollbar
      • Decorative Lines / Horizontal Row
      • Background Color / Background Image
      • Hyperlink
  • Enhanced Elements
    • Navigation / Traverse
      • paging / pagination
      • display or view button
      • dot / indicator navigationf
      • breadcrumb navigation
      • Off(side) Canvas
      • floating component or element
      • sticky header or footer
      • (Scrolling) Paralax / Seamless
      • Header bar
        • Menu
        • Toolbar
        • Tab
      • Menu
        • Mega Menu
        • Drop down menu
    • UI kit
      • Toggles / Toogles Button / Button Label
      • Dial button
      • Tags, Cloud Tag
      • Sliders
      • Up down value
    • Response Information / Feedback
      • Text to path
      • Share
      • Progressbars
    • Dialog
      • Modal (Dialog) / Pop up
      • Tooltips / Notification / Feedback tooltip
      • Font / Glyphs / Symbol dialog
      • Color Swatches
      • Calendar
      • Login / Register
      • Contact Form
      • Wizard dialog
      • File Upload
    • Pages
      • Landing page
      • Error Page
      • Faq
      • Profile / About
      • Setting
    • Editor
  • Multimedia
    • Data Visualization
      • Chart / Graphic
    • Image
      • Image Carousel / Image Sliders / Image Transition / Image Slide show
      • (Image) Light box
    • Animation / Effect
      • Transition
        • Scroll spy / Animation at scroll
      • Mask Effect
      • Hover Effect
    • Multimedia player panel

Monday, November 14, 2016

Error Wifi in Windows 1

networking commands in a command prompt window.

all version windows

  1. search "Command prompt" in your start menu, right click with your mouse, in front of "Command prompt", then select "Run as administrator", press "Yes".
windows 8 and newer version
  1. Open command prompt with administrative privileges (Windows Key + X, then A).
  1. Run the following command:
  2. Reset the TCP/IP stack
    Type netsh int ip reset and press Enter.
  3. Reset the network stack
    Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
  4. Release the IP address
    Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
  5. Renew the IP address
    Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
  6. Flush and reset the DNS client resolver cache
    Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
  7. Temporarily turn off firewalls
    type netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off, and then press Enter.
    To turn on all firewalls you might have installed, at the command prompt, type netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on, and then press Enter.
turn on 20/40 mhz network discoverable
  1. Go to "Network and Sharing Center"
  2. Change adapter settings
  3. Right click on Wi-Fi adapter, select properties.
  4. Click on configure, then go to advanced tab.
  5. Select "HT Mode" (different name among different adapter), change the value to 20|40. HT (High Throughput".
  6. Click OK, then you should be able to browsing.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Useful bookmarklet

Useful JavaScript Bookmarklet

Enable Right-Clicking on Individual Sites


RightToCopy for Chrome or Right To Click for Firefox.
Allow Copy for Chrome
Enable Copy, Cut and Paste for Firefox.
Copy in Forums for Firefox.


”Dom.event.clipboard events.enable”, true

Friday, October 21, 2016

Accessibility Utilities 7

How to Find and Remove Duplicate Files on Windows

dupeGuru, dupeGuru Music Edition, and dupeGuru Pictures Edition

The music and pictures editions are specialized for finding similar music files and pictures. For example, the music edition will find the same song, even if they’re in different MP3 files encoded at different bitrates. Or the pictures edition will find copies of the same photo even if they’ve been resized, rotated, or slightly edited. This utility uses a “fuzzy match” algorithm and can find files that are very similar and not just completely identical.
dupeGuru is completely open-source. The installer won’t attempt to drag any toolbars or other junk onto your system, and it isn’t even trying to upsell you to anything.
The interface is simple, but easy to use — open it, add a few folders or drives you want to scan, and click Scan. You’ll see a list of duplicate files, and you can easily select and delete the files you want to remove. Double-click a file in the list to open and examine it.

Use VisiPics to scan for image files that are very similar, even if they aren’t completely identical. For example, VisiPics will find resized, rotated, edited, and otherwise-modified image files and flag them as duplicates. You may not need these multiple similar copies of photos and other images, so VisiPics can help you here.

dupeGuru and other duplicate-file-removing applications can also do this, but VisiPics has an interface designed with photos in mind. If you have a large collection of digital photos, VisiPics is probably the application to use. It will provide a more visual interface for looking at those photos and clearing our your duplicates.

VisiPics is free — donationware, technically — and won’t try to install any junk on your system.

Duplicate File Finder
Duplicate File Finder is another barebones-yet-functional open-source application with a no-frills interface. It actually has a different approach from other applications. It looks for files that have the exact same size and only then compares them to see if they’re duplicates of each other.

This means you won’t get the almost-but-not-quite-exact matching features other applications provide. However, it also means that Duplicate File Finder should be even faster at scanning through a larger set of files. if you only care about files that are completely identical and not just almost identical, you can save time with Duplicate File Finder. It doesn’t have the prettiest interface, but it definitely works.

Remember, don’t delete duplicate files in system folders — for example, under C:\Program Files or C:\Windows. Programs may depend on having duplicate copies of certain files in specific places. Leave system files alone and only clean up your own personal data files — documents, images, music files, videos, and everything else you might have a duplicate copy of.

Accessibility Utilities 6

Tools To Install Windows Faster Using a USB Flash Drive

to create Linux

Universal USB Installer / YUMI
USB install support for: Windows Vista, 7 and 8.
Universal USB Installer and YUMI are similar programs from, looking and working in a similar way. The main difference is YUMI has support for installing multiple ISO images onto a USB flash drive and Universal USB Installer can install one ISO image at a time. They both have options to install and also download a number of Linux operating system images and repair CD’s along with direct USB installer support for Vista, 7 and 8. These two tools are one of the few that is able to install Kon-Boot onto a USB. All you have to do is select which Windows to install from the Step 1 drop down (near the bottom), locate the ISO and choose the USB drive to install to. Formatting is optional. The YUMI interface is slightly more complicated due to the multiboot options. Both tools are entirely portable.

USB install support for: None officially, Windows Vista, 7 and 8 worked for us.
UNetbootin is a very popular tool for downloading and installing Linux distro’s onto USB. Although a lot of people try to use it for installing the Windows setup onto USB, the program doesn’t officially support this and it seems a look around the internet reveals there are as many failures as successes. We ran quick tests to install Windows Vista, 7 and 8 ISO’s to USB using UNetbootin and it seemed to work IF you format the flash drive to NTFS beforehand. Just select Diskimage and browse for the ISO file, then choose your USB drive. Because the other tools here are designed to work with Windows by their developers, it’s recommended to try them before UNetbootin.

Boot From a USB Drive Even if your BIOS Won’t Let You
the ingredient:
  • PLoP Boot Manager
  • RawWrite, to put the contents of the plpbt.img image file found in PLoP’s zip file on a floppy disk.
  • USBbootWatcher
  • FreeDOS, an open-source implementation of DOS that should run whatever DOS program you need to use.
  • RMPrepUSB, USB install support for: Windows XP, Vista, 2008, 7 and 8.
  • WaitBT driver takes care for USB boot when there are no any other disks and only USB removable one, without it Windows typically will crash with 0x0000007B stop error.
  • free ImDisk mount it as a virtual CD/DVD for example to extract its contents to a folder.

the result:

Accessibility Utilities 5


miniMIZE is a small desktop enhancing application that catches windows that you minimize and puts a thumbnail of the main application window onto your desktop. You can set the direction for which way across the desktop the icons go to suit the best layout for your desktop. For easy identification the icons from each program are displayed on the thumbnails
miniMIZE is no longer developed and the website has all but gone. It does seem to work pretty well on Vista/Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 8 and 64-bit versions do work up to a point although most of the built in Windows components like (Internet) Explorer, Notepad, Paint etc don’t minimize.


Although it isn’t compatible with 64-bit operating systems, Thumbwin is a more reliable tool than miniMIZE for minimizing and restoring application windows to thumbnails on 32-bit versions of Windows XP, Vista, 7 and also 8. ThumbWin’s feature set is very much like what miniMIZE has to offer.

The thumbnail arrangements can be either top to bottom or left to right with options to auto arrange or display them on a secondary monitor. Also 6 hotkeys can be configured and thumbnail or icon sizes can be reduced or enlarged up to 300px with transparency. The Exclusions window is slightly less useful than that in miniMIZE because it only allows a window or class name to be excluded and not a whole application.

If you right click on the tray icon there are some options to hide, arrange, minimize or restore all open windows. Despite the options and functions on offer, Thumbwin is very low on memory usage and used only around 600K even with several open windows minimized to thumbnails. Unfortunately the program’s official website is in the Japanese language.

Microsoft Scalable Fabric
This tool comes from Microsoft Research and is a prototype software which presumably was a concept they looked at for integrating into Windows at some point. Scalable Fabric works on the idea of a boundary on the desktop, and dragging a window out of this area will minimize it to a thumbnail in an animated way similar to Windows 7’s “Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing” option. You can also click on the window minimize button and restore it again by clicking on the thumbnail.
It’s worth noting that Scalable Fabric dates back to 2005 and was just a development release, the side effects being that it’s still quite buggy in how it deals with the windows and memory usage can fluctuate quite a bit. That being said, the program seemed to work in Windows 7 32-bit without major issues (64-bit was patchy) although the .NET Framework 1.1 is required.

Accessibility Utilities 4

Ways To Batch Create Multiple Folders at Once

Using Third Party Tools / Independent Tools

Text 2 Folders
  • Text 2 Folders is a pretty simple and portable multi folder creation tool programmed in the AutoHotkey scripting language. While it’s not loaded with features Text 2 Folders is easy to use and has enough functionality for most users.
  • has two modes of operation. One is loading a text file that contains a list of folders and subfolders. The other is a manual option that allows you to type in the folder names yourself or paste them in from another program.
XMD (eXtended Make Directory)

The good thing about XMD is it can create lots of new folders in different ways. That includes naming by time, day, week, month, year or from text in the clipboard. It also has three different options to create multiple folders at once. XMD is a portable standalone executable.
  • The first option is selecting the working folder with the browse button and then typing in the folders and subfolders to create separated by a vertical line or pipe (Shift+\).
  • The second way is loading a list of names from a text file or typing/pasting the names into the window. Click Options > Load Names From File and browse for the text file or paste the names into the window. Browse for the working folder and press the Start button. If you want to add some of the predefined time and date variables check the box at the bottom.
  • The third option creates sequentially numbered folders from the Options > Batch Directories window. After selecting the working folder, configure the start and end numbers and the step. Then enter any prefix text (before the numbers), suffix text (after the numbers) and optional built in time or date variables. It’s also possible to add custom templates for future use.

Create Multiple Folders In a File Manager 

FreeCommander XE
Creating multiple folders in FreeCommander XE is quite easy. Navigate to the root folder you want to start in then press F7 (or right click > New > Folder). In the new folder dialog enter all the folder names separating each with a vertical line (Shift+\).
Entering subfolder paths is also accepted so you can for example type something like:


FreeCommander XE has both portable and installer versions although the 64-bit version is for donators only. Do note that the XE version has this ability but not the older FreeCommander 2009.

XYplorer is more advanced at creating multiple folders than FreeCommander and is easier to use when you want to create a lot of new folders at once. Go to the root folder where you want to start the folder creation and right click > New > New Folders. This opens up a window where you enter each folder with optional subfolder on each new line.

The advantage with XYplorer over similar free file managers is you can copy and paste whole folder lists into the window from text files or other applications.

Multi Commander
is another free program that can batch create new folders although it requires a semicolon (;) instead of a vertical line to separate names.

Accessibility Utilities 3

Storage / Drive / Disk Space Analyzer

finds the files and folders using the most disk space on your hard drive
  • VERY Fast! WizTree reads the master file table (MFT) directly from NTFS formatted hard drives (similar to the way Everything Search Engine works)
  • Finds the largest files on your hard drive. Every single file on your hard drive can be sorted in order of size.
  • File Name Search - quickly locate files by name or wildcard match
  • Sort the contents of your entire hard drive by folder size and optionally delete files and folders
  • Scan ALL hard drive file system types (NTFS, FAT, FAT32, network, etc) and/or individual folders.
  • WARNING: Take care not to remove any files that are required for the correct operation of your PC!

SpaceSniffer (Windows)
SpaceSniffer is a free, portable Windows utility that uses a tree-view to show you which areas on your hard drive take up the most space in a single view.
  • arranged in squares that represent which files and folders are using the most space. Click on any large block to see a breakdown of what's inside that folder, also organized by what's taking up the most space.
  • You can also filter specific types of files from the scan, tag files and label them for review later, and search specifically for file types, modification dates, and more.

Space Monger (Windows)
SpaceMonger is another free, Windows-only disk management utility that uses a treemap to show you where the biggest, most space-hogging files are located.
  • It doesn't support 64-bit systems, but if you're running 32-bit Windows you should be okay.
  • SpaceMonger's claim to fame is that it doesn't just allow you to see a treemap of your data, but you can manage, move, copy, and delete that data from inside the app.
TreeSize (Windows)
TreeSize is a robust drive analysis tool that comes in multiple flavors.
  • The free version is also portable, and gives you a quick, directory-oriented view of your hard drive arranged by the folders that take up the most space. Behind the folder names are progress bars that display their relative size to one another, so you can quickly pinpoint the ones that take up the most space.
  • You can also expand any folder in the directory list to see its contents.
  • In addition to the free version, TreeSize Professional and TreeSize Personal offer the features of the free version, the ability to export reports of your drive layout, the ability to see additional statistics on file types, ages, and modification dates, command line scanning, and more.
WinDirStat (Windows)
  • WinDirStat is free, lightweight, comes in a portable version, and upon startup shows you the contents of your drive in three views: a directory-view, which displays your folder contents organized by how much space they're consuming, an extension list that will show you what's inside of the selected directory and how much of what types of files you're using.
  • graphic view at the bottom that highlights the contents of your drive in colored blocks that you can highlight or click on for additional information. Hover over a group of blocks to see the folder they're in, or select a specific one to see what it is.
Disk Space Fan
Is Awesome Eye-Candy Disk Analysis Tool
is a fast disk space analyzer and duplicate file remover software. It helps you to free up disk space by quickly finding and deleting big files. It displays disk space usage with a eye-candy ring chart and dynamic animation. You can navigate the folders easily with the ring chart. It integrates well with Windows file explorer to open, delete and browse files and folders.
  • Fantastic Visualization, Disk usage visualization with fantastic animation.
  • Finding Big and Duplicate Files Easily, Folders and files are sorted by their size. Duplicate files are side-by-side listed. Various types of filters can apply.
  • Integrated with Windows File Explorer. Browse, open, and delete, all actions are same as using file explorer. File details are shown in mouse-hover pop ups. Quickly knowing what you have on your disk.
RidNacs Analyzes Folder Disk Space Usage From Windows Context Menu
  • RidNacs is a one-click disk space analyzer which integrates with Windows right-click context menu, allowing you to analyze space consumed by any selected folder with a single click. It compiles an analysis report to review the used space of specified folders with an option to save report in HTML, CSV, TXT and XML format. It can also be used to verify space usage of remote locations in order to know which folders are taking space on server.
  • The main screen shows all the contained files and sub-folder(s) of specified folder with histogram for each file / subfolder, exhibiting the total space acquired. A right-click on file/folder presents Windows native right-click context menu to perform actions over it, including, cut, copy, delete, send to, etc.
  • By default, it groups files which are less than 1MB in size. However, from Preferences, you can define the file grouping method and change the Percentage bar style.

DriveSpacio, Disktective

Accessibility Utilities 2


installable and portable versions.
graphical tweaks including setting the OEM branding/logo information and a customizing the the welcome screen, editing core system icons, customize the screensaver, and also adjust the Windows appearance settings like turning on/off Aero and window animations.

More advanced options are customizing the Explorer context menu entries, editing UAC, hiding drives in Explorer, file indexing, user account editing, customizing Internet Explorer and a few general Windows performance tweaks. If you want to go the other way and lock down a computer for less experienced users, there are several options to do that also. If you change too much there’s an option to reset back to Windows defaults.

to quickly configure or turn on and off a number of settings that a more advanced user is going to want to change. a portable executable and you simply run it and scroll through a list of the 20 or so options that will appear. You can edit features such as disable User Account Control, turn off Windows Indexing, always show file extensions, disable Aero, check for but don’t download or install updates, always show the Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer menu, and several more.

Just right click and choose to check, uncheck and disable the feature. Note that some options like the IE default search will do one thing for Check and another for Uncheck. Click Perform Actions when you’re ready to apply the settings, a logoff may be required if the setting requires it. Any options that can be reversed, just use uncheck and then apply.

XdN Tweaker
Many of the options it does have are perhaps a little less for “expert” users but there are enough to make it similar to the tools above. has more options available than Vista4Experts but nowhere near as many as WinBubble. Functions such as controlling hibernation, changing Windows Update settings, adding some right click menu entries (including take ownership), and a few interface related tweaks are available. For more substantial tweaks you will have to look elsewhere, a portable and setup installer are available.

a startup manager, uninstall manager and a Windows Utilities section that has many of the built in Windows tools and snap-ins located in one place. The section even has a Windows rearm option to reset the Windows evaluation period and the ability to create the Windows God Mode shortcut for you. selection of options in the Administration, Display and Customization sections. There are several tweaks to adjust logon and logoff, User Account Control, Action Center, Windows Update, System and OEM information, Explorer, Taskbar and Start menu tweaks, and also Windows visual effects. Open the Console at the bottom to show what the tweaks are doing to the registry etc. a portable version is available.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Accessibility Utilities 1


Scroll Inactive Windows

Mouse Hunter
Scroll Inside Inactive Windows With Mouse Wheel

Mouse wheel enhancement for Window

makes your mouse wheel work on the window under the mouse.

Always Mouse Wheel
is a small portable Windows program (Multilingual) this gives you the possibility when using the mouse wheel over any window (under the mouse pointer) to scroll via mouse wheel even if the window is not in the foreground e.g focussed.

X-Mouse Button Control
is a free tool for Windows that allows you to re-configure and expand the capabilities of your mouse.
By default, profiles are automatically activated as the mouse moves over the defined window or application.
This has many uses, for example:
  • Changing the behaviour of the mouse over certain windows, such as making the mouse wheel change volume when hovering over the system tray or you-tube video.
  • In games which do not natively support the extended, 4th and 5th mouse buttons, you can map keys to each button.
XMBC allows you to change the behaviour of the mouse buttons and scroll wheel. The extensive list of functions available to map to your mouse buttons includes options such as:
  • Send any keys using the 'simulated keystrokes' editor
  • Cording (shifting/combining) buttons perform different actions
  • Launch any windows application
  • Clipboard control (Copy/Cut/Paste)
  • Media control (Play/Pause/Stop/Volume/Mute etc.)
  • Capture screen (or active window) image to clipboard
  • Click-Drag [Sticky buttons/keys]
  • Click-Drag [Sticky buttons/keys]
  • Various support for specific Windows operating systems, such as Flip3D in Vista, ModernUI/Metro in Windows 8 and Virtual Desktops in Windows 10!
  • And much, much more!
Flying Windows
Flying Windows includes options to scroll in inactive windows and also holding the Alt key down and clicking your mouse anywhere inside a window to drag it.

MouseImp PRO
Like KatMouse, MouseImp cannot move or resize windows using special methods and concentrates on scrolling inactive windows.

Screenshot Application

Screenshot / Screen Capture

Built-in Windows Software
  • Print Screen button /  PrtSc / PrtScn / PrntScrn
  • (Windows) Snipping tool. Started from windows 7.
  • Problem Steps Recorder. Started from windows 7.
  • Game DVR. Press Win+G to launch. Hit record (or Win+Alt+R), and it will automatically start capturing video from the program you’ve got open, rather than the entire screen. Started from windows 10.
Microsoft Product
  • Microsoft OneNote started from OneNote 2003
  • started from Microsoft Office 2010 application (Word, Outlook, Powerpoint, Excel, Onenote…, etc.)
  • "Copy paste a picture" from text, cells, a chart, picture or any other object inside Microsoft Office. Started from Office 97.
  • PowerPoint only : Export the slide as a picture / Save a picture as a .jpg, .gif, or .png. Started from PowerPoint 97.
  • Getting Pictures Out of Microsoft Office, Choose Save As Web Page / HTML. Started from Office 2000.
  • renaming the .docx/.xlsx/ .pptx to .zip. Started from Office 2007.
  • Excel only : Camera tool, syncs with the table values on run-time, means on changing any value in the datasheet, reflection can be seen in the image. As you can see on changing value and color of the cell, changes appear in the image. Started from Excel 97.
  • edit image: include cropping the captured image, captioning the image, marking a specific area and inserting text.
  • can capture the windows running in the background without having to bring them to front.
  • take screenshots of the complete screen, active window or an area of the screen.
  • Taking over the Print Screen button, it allows you to quickly take area specific screenshots and edit them. The GreenShot Image Editor allows you to move or remove the mouse cursor even after taking the screenshot. Other options include drawing different shapes, adding text to image, obfuscating elements, filling color etc.
  • sometimes, either cuts the edges of windows off, or adds a little bit of background around the edges.
Screenshot Captor
  • allow you to crop image to selection, resize the image, adjust image, enhance selection, blur the image, adjust its colors, add captions, change its transparency, add special effects, add colors, objects etc.
  • support for multi-monitor setup allowing you to take flawless screenshots across all connected monitors.
  • share the screenshots.
Live Capture
  • 12 screenshot capturing modes. file capturing modes, Live Capture has Window Control Capture, Timing Capture, Repeat Last Capture, Web Capture and Program Menu Capture.
  • a Magnifier, Color Picker, Color Palette, Ruler, Editor, Crosshair, Protractor and GIF animator packed within the application.
  • “Capture Bar” stays on top of every window – with adjustable transparency – allowing you to quickly grab the screen you want.
  • doesn’t have its own image editor.
  • The Event Capture feature allows you to set a timer for capture and initiate screenshot capture on specified mouse and keyboard events, such as every mouse click, release or double click or every keyboard key pressed or released. It stores each screenshot in to its own memory and allows you to Export all the selected images in a single PDF file.
  • image editor lets you tag additional data to the image, adjust its RGB values, Brightness, Contrast and Color, as well as add lines with adjustable width.
  • an option to directly email the images for sharing with someone, from directly within the application.
  • there is no Aero-Glass effect or shadow capturing option available.
  1. Bilderman ─ Automatically Resize Screenshots To User-Specified Size
  2. ScreenCatch
  3. Grabilla
  4. TinyGrab
  5. Schirmfoto ─ Screenshot Taking, Editing & Sharing App With A Metro UI
  6. Window Capture ─ Select the desired Window you want to capture. (With Aero on, this will only capture the window itself, and not any windows on top. With aero off, it will capture windows on top, this is a windows design limitation).
  7. Ticno Screenshooter ─ Lightweight Screenshot Taking App For Windows
  8. HotShots ─ A Windows Screenshot Utility With Rich Annotation Options
  9. Screenink ─ A Screenshot App With Powerful Layered Annotation & Freehand Selection
  10. Postimage ─ Offers Screen Capture With Quick Sharing & Annotation Tools
  11. Screen Capture + Print ─ Save, Print & Copy Screenshots To Clipboard (hybrid)
  12. Website Screenshot:
    1. SiteShoter ─ Take Screenshot Of Any Website At Fixed Time Intervals
    2. EasyScreenshot: Take Screenshot Of A Website & Upload To Twitter
    3. Nimbus ─ Offers A Powerful Screenshot Tool For Chrome With Hotkeys Support & An Image Editor.
    4. TipCase Web Snapshot ─ Easily Capture Complete Webpage Screenshots
  13. Screenshoter ─ Takes Screenshot Of Everything In One Click
  14. DuckLink Screen Capture ─ Offers Auto Scroll To Capture Long Documents
  15. Win 7 Logon Screen Capture ─ Capture Windows Logon Screen Screenshot
  16. SnapCrab ─ The Best Features From Screenshot Tools Shotty & Greenshot Combined Into One
    four basic image capturing modes: Capture Window, Capture Top Level Window, Capture Whole Desktop and Capture Selected Area.
  17. Free Screenshot Capture ─ Includes A Color Picker, Ruler, Protractor & Other Extra Tools
  18. PicPick ─ All-in-one design tool for everyone.
  19. ShareX ─ Screen capture, file sharing and productivity tool. combines features in both ZScreen and ZUploader. old version is ShareXmod. requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher.
  20. SnapDraw ─  includes a transparent window with shadow mode that automatically produces a nice looking screenshot with a click without even using the image editor, adds a reflection by default which makes it look really nice.
  21. Interval / Bulk Capture:
    1. Auto Screenshot Capture ─ Have Your PC Auto Capture Screenshots At User-Defined Intervals
    2. AutScreenCap ─ Capture Desktop Screenshots At Regular Intervals
    3. Screen Sniper ─ Capture & Paste Screenshots In Bulk.
    4. TimeSnapper Auto ─ Captures Screenshots At Custom Intervals & Plays Them Back Like A Video (hybrid)
    5. Gadwin PrintScreen ─ Capture Timed Screenshots & Copy Them To The Clipboard
  22. Free Clipboard Manager ─ Automatically Save Clipboard Items & Screenshots (hybrid)
  23. PDF24 ─ Create PDF Documents & Take Screenshots In PDF Format (hybrid)
  24. Snapshoter ─ Screenshot Clipboard Manager And Editor (hybrid)
  25. Desktop Hunter ─ Take Screenshots With Defined Image Compression Level.
  26. Free Screen Capturer ─ Powerful Two-In-One Tool For Taking Screenshots & Recording Screencasts. Need free registration.
  27. Screen Capturer ─ Set Custom Frame Rate For Recording Screencasts
  28. ScreenParts ─ Lets You Take Screenshot Of Any Screen Region & Copies It To Clipboard. (hybrid)
  29. Windows Screen Capture Tool ─ requires .NET Framework 4.0 installed.
  30. HyperCam is by the makers of the excellent screenshot tool, HyperSnap. The latest version of HyperCam 3 is currently being maintained and sold by a different company while the previous version 2 is offered for free. HyperCam 2 can record both screen and sound including layered or transparent windows. One of a very unique and useful feature is the ability to move the captured region. The video recordings are saved as AVI format and there is no video editing tools. Take note during installation because it prompts to install adware
    Read More:
  31. Remote System:
    • Screen View ─ Remotely View The Screen Of Another PC On Network & Take Screenshots. (hybrid)
    • Network Spy ─ Receive Periodic Screenshots Of A Remote System.
    • Ybex Clipboard ─ Share Clipboard Data And Screenshots Between Remote Computers.
  32. Share features:
    • Jumpshare ─ Comes To Windows; Lets You Upload & Share Files, Folders & Screenshots In One Click.
    • Puush ─ Capture Screenshots & Upload Files For Instant Sharing.
    • Dropbox  ─ How To Auto-Upload Screenshots With Dropbox & Easily Share Them.
    • CloudShot ─ Automatically Upload Screenshots To DropBox.
    • ZScreen ─ Take Screenshot And Upload It Online.
    • LightShot ─ captured region can be instantly used to search for similar images on Google or Tineye. uses an online image editor that looks like Photoshop with support for layers to edit screenshots. Save to your computer or to online image hosting sites such as Flikr, Picasa or Beware during installation because the full installation method which is selected by default installs 3rd party search engine to your web browser. LightShot supports Windows, Mac OS and also browser extensions.
  33. Step-by-Step:
    • SnapInstall ─ Mouse Triggered Screenshot Tool To Create Product Manuals.
    • StepShot ─ Create Step-by-Step (How-To) Product Guides And Help Manuals.

Screen Capture & Screen Recording / Screen Recorder (Hybrid)

  1. oCam Makes Capturing Screenshots & Screencasts A Snap
  2. TinyTake
    • minimum of 4GB of RAM.
    • can record video up to 120 minutes, webcam video recording, capture image, Zoom in/out and more. You can also annotate videos.

Screen Recording / Screen Recorder / Screen Cast

Screen2Exe ─ Free Instant Screen Video Capture Software
Free Screen To Video ─ Save Screencast To FLV/AVI/WMV/SWF Video File
BB FlashBack Express ─ A Free Windows Screencast Video Software
Screencast Capture Lite ─ A No-Frills, Free Screen Recording Tool For Windows
Rylstim Screen Recorder ─ A Screencast Tool For Windows That Focuses On Simplicity
Cute Screen Recorder ─ Straightforward Screencast Tool

Acala Screen Recorder ─ Record Screencasts To AVI Or Self Running EXE Files.
Any Video Recorder
Atomi ActivePresenter

  • Can’t upload the recorded videos directly online
  • Its free version lacks various useful features available in its premium versions.
  • output video file can be saved as AVI, MP4, WMV or WebM.
  • video tutorials, without watermark or time limit. export to other formats will have a watermark.
Bandicam Screen Recorder
  • Can’t get rid of its watermark in the free version
  • 10-minute recording cap for the free version
Bytescout Screen Capturing
Easy Screencast Recorder
Extra Screen Capture Free
Ezvid Video Maker
  • Allows recording videos up to 45 minutes
  • Supports uploading videos directly on YouTube only
  • Offers no customizable settings for recording the screen
Free Screen Video Recorder
Free Screencast
Freez Screen Video Capture
Icecream Screen Recorder

  • Free users get a 10-minute cap of screen recording time
  • Offers limited functionalities and editing options in its free edition
  • Its recordings can’t be used for commercial purposes by free users
  • you can create short video and share them.
  • can also capture image of by selecting an area on your computer screen.
  • It supports video recording up to 5 minutes.
Krut Computer Recorder
  • output to GIF

  • No support for Android with its free edition
  • Recordings’ max. duration is just 3 minutes
  • Limits image editing features and mandates updates for the free users
  • Can’t remove watermarks from images, videos or documents in its free version
Screen Recorder
Screen Recorder Free
Screen Recorder by Free Recorders
Screen Recorder by Randelshofer
Screen View!
ScreenVirtuoso PRO
TakeScreen Lite
VidShot Capturer ─ Record PC Screen The Simple Way For Windows
VSDC Free Screen Recorder
Webcam Screen Video Capture Free
is an open source desktop recorder that can record your computer screen, camera and sound without watermark or limitation. The output file can be either saved as AVI or FLV or publish to Webinaria’s website. It is possible to add text to the recording on the simply video editor.
Weeny Free Video Recorder
eLecta Live Screen Recorder

Screenshot Individual UI Elements

  • Snipaste
  • SnipSnip

Dialog Box or Error Messages

Built in Windows Function
You can copy Windows dialog box and error messages. When the box appears, simply make sure it’s the active window and press the standard Windows copy shortcut combination of Ctrl+C. Now the data is in the clipboard, paste the contents into notepad or webpage etc.
  • GetWindowText
  • ShoWin
  • SysExporter from Nirsoft
  • WinScraper
  • Textractor
  • Copy Text from Command Prompt.
    • Method 1 (right click)
      • While you’re in Command Prompt, right click at anywhere inside the window and select Mark.
      • Now use your left mouse button to drag a box over the area of text that you want to copy, scroll can also be used to capture multiple lines. Once you have the text, click the right mouse button or press Enter to copy the selected text to the clipboard. Then you can right click and select Paste to paste into Notepad or a webpage etc.
    • Method 2 (enable permanent quickedit mode)
      • Right click on Command Prompt’s title bar and select Properties. On the options tab, tick to enable QuickEdit Mode and click OK.
      • Now your left mouse button will permanently be used to mark text and the right mouse will copy it to the clipboard. If there is no highlighted text, the right mouse button will paste any clipboard contents to the window, useful for copying commands off a webpage etc.

Extension And Bonus

Snapshoter Is Screenshot Clipboard Manager And Editor [Firefox]
GIF Scrubber
  • For Google Chrome
  • Media Player For Animated GIFs With Frame-By-Frame Scrubbing
Toggle animated GIFs
  • For Firefox
  • stop, pause, and play GIFs.
  • ‘auto-play on hover’ option.
Website Notifier
  • AlertBox Tracks Changes In Individual Elements On A Web Page [Firefox]
  • ReloadIt Alerts You On Finding Changes In Web Pages Of Your Choice
  • NotiPage – Monitor Web Pages For Changes Or Updates Without Using RSS

Drawing House Using Corel Draw

Drawing House Using Corel Draw
(white space technique)
•Draw A Black Wall
» Rectangle Tool (F6)
» draw a wall, hold Ctrl when draw Rectangle
» Fill = Black
•Draw Four Square Windows
» draw 4 square windows, Fill = White
» move to the top left
» Shaping > Back Minus Front
The Door
•Draw A Big White Door
» draw door, all four Corner Roundness = 20, Fill = White, Outline = None
» move to right bottom corner of wall
•Draw A Small Black Door
» copy and resize, Width Scale Factor 95%, click on the lock icon "Nonproportional Scaling/Sizing Ratio"
» move to the center relative to big black door, Arrange > Align and Distribute > Align Centers Horizontally (E)
» Fill = Black
» left bottom and right bottom Corner Roundness = 0
•Modify Two Door
» select both door (big black door and small black door) from the last draw.
» Shaping > Back Minus Front
» Arrange > Group
•Draw A Big Black Roof
» View > Dynamic Guides
» Polygon tool, set the number of Points/Sides to 3
» draw triangle, paralel align centre than the wall. press and hold Shift + Ctrl + drag from center.
» Fill = Black
•Draw A Small White Roof
» copy and resize, Scale Factor width about 60%, height about 80%, ensure position is closely attached without a gap on both roof (a big black roof and small white roof) of their bottom side.
» Fill = White
» select both roof (a big black roof and small white roof)
» Shaping > Back Minus Front
add grass for decoration.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Triangle in CorelDraw

You can prove it when you measure with Dimension tool (CorelDraw since x4) or print the result and then measure with ruler.

tool, property bar.

Equilateral triangle / Segitiga sama sisi.

Polygon tool, Number of points or sides on polygon, star and complex star: 3. hold CTRL while dragging/drawing.

Isosceles triangle / Segitiga sama kaki.

Star tool / Polygon tool
Number of points or sides on polygon, star and complex star: 3.
Sharpness of Star and Complex Star: 1. don't hold CTRL while dragging/drawing.

Perfect Shape > Basic Shapes > Isosceles Trapezoid / Trapezium
drag modification node / the red or yellow or blue diamond node to center.

Perfect Shape > Arrow Shapes > Right Arrow / Left Arrow / Up Arrow / Down Arrow / Stripped Right Arrow
drag modification node / the red or yellow or blue diamond node to :
top left corner (Right Arrow).
top right corner (Left Arrow).
bottom left corner (Up Arrow).
top left corner (Down Arrow).
top left corner (Stripped Right Arrow).

Perfect Shape > Flowchart Shapes > Extract / Merge

Perfect Shape > Flowchart Shapes > Collate
step: Arrange > Convert To Curves (Ctrl+Q); Arrange > Convert Outline To Object (Ctrl+Shift+Q); Arrange > Break Curve Apart.

Rectangle tool
hold CTRL while dragging/drawing so you get a right isosceles triangle.
Arrange > Convert To Curves (Ctrl+Q);
Drag two of nodes in any corner to midpoint or center/centre.

Right triangle / Segitiga siku-siku.

Perfect Shape > Basic Shapes > Right Triangle
hold CTRL while dragging/drawing so you get a right isosceles triangle.

Rectangle tool
hold CTRL while dragging/drawing so you get a right isosceles triangle.
Arrange > Convert To Curves (Ctrl+Q);
Drag one of nodes in any corner to center.

Windows Shortcuts 2

Windows keyboard key shortcuts

All versions of Windows (used on a Microsoft Windows 95 or later)

WINKEY : Pressing the Windows key alone opens or hides the Windows Start menu. In Windows 8, this opens or hides the Start screen.
WINKEY + F1 : Open the Microsoft Windows help and support center.
WINKEY + Pause / Break key : Open the System Properties window.
WINKEY + D : Opens the Desktop to the top of all other windows.
WINKEY + E : Open Microsoft Windows Explorer.
WINKEY + F : Display the Windows Search or Find feature.
WINKEY + Ctrl + F : Display the search for computers window.
WINKEY + L : Lock the computer and switch users if needed (Windows XP and above only).
WINKEY + M : Minimizes all windows.
WINKEY + Shift + M : Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D.
WINKEY + R : Open the run window.
WINKEY + U : Open Utility Manager or the Ease of Access Center.

Windows XP only
WINKEY + Tab : Cycle through open programs through the Taskbar.

Windows 7 and 8 only
WINKEY + 1-0 : Pressing the Windows key and any of the top row number keys from 1 to 0 opens the program corresponding to the number of icon on the Taskbar. For example, if the first icon on the Taskbar was Internet Explorer, pressing WINKEY + 1 would open that program or switch to it if already open.
WINKEY + (Plus (+) or Minus (-)) : Open Windows Magnifier and zoom in with the plus symbol (+) and zoom out with the minus symbol (-).
WINKEY + ESC to close the Magnifier
WINKEY + Home : Minimize all windows except the active window.
WINKEY + P : Change between the monitor and projection display types or how second screen displays computer screen.
WINKEY + T : Set the focus on the Taskbar icons
WINKEY + Left arrow : Shrinks the window to 1/2 screen on the left side for side by side viewing.
WINKEY + Right arrow : Shrinks the window to 1/2 screen on the right side for side by side viewing.
WINKEY + Up arrow : When in the side by side viewing mode, this shortcut takes the screen back to full size.
WINKEY + Down arrow : Minimizes the screen. Also, when in the side by side viewing mode, this shortcut takes the screen back to a minimized size.

Windows 8 only
WINKEY + , : Peek at the Windows Desktop.
WINKEY + . : Snap a Windows App to the sides of the screen. Pressing it multiple times will switch between the right and left-hand side of the screen or unsnap the app.
WINKEY + Enter : Open Windows Narrator
WINKEY + C : Open the Charms.
WINKEY + G : Cycle through Desktop gadgets.
WINKEY + H : Open Share in Charms.
WINKEY + I : Open the Settings in Charms.
WINKEY + J : Switch between snapped apps.
WINKEY + K : Open Devices in Charms.
WINKEY + O : Lock the screen orientation.
WINKEY + X : Open the power user menu, which gives you access to many of the features most power users would want to use such as Device Manager, Control Panel, Event Viewer, Command Prompt, and much more.

Windows Shortcuts 1

Microsoft Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Controlling Windows

F1: Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
F2 : Rename a selected file
F6 : Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop

ALT + F4 : Exit/Quit the active application
ALT+SPACE: Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
F11: Maximize or minimize the active window.

Switching Windows

ALT+F6 : Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the two window of Microsoft Word displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the two window of Microsoft Word).

Ctrl+Tab : Switch between multiple workbook windows in the Microsoft Excel program.

Alt + Tab (toggle between open programs)
Ctrl + Alt + Tab: Use the arrow keys to switch between open items
Alt + Esc: Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened.

Windows button + M (show desktop, i.e., minimize all windows)
SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all
Windows Logo+D: Displays the desktop or show opening windows.

Begin from windows vista
Windows button + Tab (show all active windows in task bar)
Ctrl+Windows logo key+ Tab: Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.

If window has a MDI (Multiple Document Interface) / Multi Window :
ALT+- (ALT+hyphen): Displays the MDI child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
Ctrl + F4: Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously).
Ctrl + W: Close the current window.

If window has a menu:
F10: Activate the Menu bar in the active application.
ALT+underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
Application key: Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item
SHIFT+F10 Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object).
Right Arrow: Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu.
Left Arrow: Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu.

Dialog box keyboard commands
TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box
SHIFT+TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box
SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option.
ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
Arrow keys: Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons or group of command button.
F4: Display the items or focus in the active list/combo box, list box, drop down list.
Backspace: Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box.

Inside properties menu and (Dialog) windows that may has a menu not a ribbon.
CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Move through the property tabs.

Remote Desktop Connection on the desktop keyboard shortcuts
Alt + Page Up: Move between apps from left to right
Alt + Page Down: Move between apps from right to left
Alt + Insert: Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in.
Ctrl + Alt + Break: Switch between a window and full screen.
Alt + Delete: Display the system menu.
Ctrl + Alt + Minus Sign (-) on the numeric keypad: Place a copy of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing Alt+PrtScn on a local computer).
Ctrl + Alt + Plus Sign (+) on the numeric keypad: Place a copy of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrtScn on a local computer).
Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow: “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.
Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow:  “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.

Microsoft Windows Oriented
Ctrl + Esc : Opens the START menu
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Opens Windows Task Manager
Ctrl + Alt + Del : Open the Windows option screen for locking computer, switching user, Task Manager, etc.

Windows 7
manipulating the active window:
  • Win+Left arrow: Snap to the left half of the screen
  • Win+Right arrow: Snap to the right half of the screen
  • Win+Up arrow: Maximize the window, Without snapping window left or right.
  • Win+Down arrow: Minimize/Restore if it's maximized, Without snapping window left or right.
  • Windows logo key+ Shift + Up Arrow: Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen.
If you have more than one monitor:
  • Win+Shift+Left arrow: Move window to the monitor on the left
  • Win+Shift+Right arrow: Move window to the monitor on the right
Windows 10
  • Windows key + Up or Down: Snap window to a quadrant: After snapping the window left or right.
  • Task view (view all virtual desktops): Windows key + Tab.
  • Create new virtual desktop: Windows key + Ctrl + D.
  • Close current virtual desktop: Windows key + Ctrl + F4.
  • Move to next virtual desktop: Windows key + Ctrl + Right.
  • Go back to previous virtual desktop: Windows key + Ctrl + Left.
For Items or Text (items = icon, file, or folder)
CTRL + A : Select all items in a document or window
CTRL + C or CTRL + INSERT : Copy the selected item
CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT : Paste the selected item
CTRL + X or SHIFT + DEL : Cut the selected item
CTRL + Y : Redo an action
CTRL + Z : Undo an action
Alt + Backspace : Undo an action (some new programs remain support this key).
Alt + Enter : Open the Properties for the selected item (file, folder, shortcut, etc.)
Alt + double-click : Display the properties of the object you double-click on.
Home : Goes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl + Home : Goes to beginning of document.
End : Goes to end of current line.
Ctrl + End : Goes to end of document.
Shift + Home : Highlights from current position to beginning of line.
Shift + End : Highlights from current position to end of line.
Ctrl + Shift and then press the left or right arrow key : to move one word at a time in that direction while highlighting each item.
F2 : Renames a highlighted item in all versions of Windows.

For Text
Ctrl + B : Change selected text to be Bold
Ctrl + I : Change selected text to be in Italics
Ctrl + U : Change selected text to be Underlined
Ctrl + Left arrow : Moves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrow : Moves one word to the right at a time.
for text (work for many programs)
Ctrl + Backspace : will delete a full word at a time instead of a single character.

For Many Programs

Ctrl + F : Open find window for current document or window.
Ctrl + S : Save current document file.
Ctrl + N : Create a new, blank document in some software programs
Ctrl + O : Open a file in current software program
Ctrl + P : Print the current page or document.
page up or page down key : will move that page one page at a time in that direction.

Download this article
Windows Shortcuts 1 in PDF

Monday, September 26, 2016

File And Folder Utilities 2

File And Folder Utilities



File And Folder List


Karen’s Directory Printer
JR Directory Printer
Directory Tree List Maker
Filelist Creator
Print Directory Listing Microsoft Fix
DirListing (Portable)

Can integrate to context menu Explorer.
Formatting/Layout Output.
Small file size.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

File And Folder Utilities 1

File And Folder Tools

Folder Axe
any gigantic folder by splitting it into multiple subfolders according to several criteria. Once you've divided your folders, you can conquer them by moving through each subfolder, handling each file (or file type) as needed.

files and directories are taking up disk space and how much of it they are claiming. The maps show files as pretty rectangles, color-coded by file type, in sizes that reflect the amount of space each occupies. Hovering over a rectangle shows you the file in question, and you can delete storage-space gluttons from within WinDirStat.

Digital Janitor
to periodically move or delete files that meet certain criteria within a folder, such as "delete all EXE files from my Downloads folder."

Compression File Utility / Archive File Utility
right-click Explorer menu: customise.
is a fantastic open-source compression utility that can also serve as a file manager in a pinch. It can pack and unpack a wide range of compression formats, including .zip, .tar, and .gzip, but its main compression file is its own .7z compression format.

FileMenu Tools
right-click Explorer menu: customise.
28 handy file management functions, some of the file management functions:
  • Calculate and verify checksums: added new algorithms: CRC32, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512
  • Advanced renamer: new variables to add checksums (MD5, SHA1, etc) to the file name.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Addon Firefox

Addons Firefox

Window and Tab Limiter
Requires Restart
This extension will automatically close old windows and tabs so you don't wind up with zillions of old windows open at the same time. NEW FEATURES IN 3.0. Password protection....and 3 modes of operation.

Switch Window Mode
Requires Restart
Switches between multiple and single window mode...

Display Window Title
Adds the window title back to the Firefox title bar on Windows and Mac.

Add URL to Window Title (Advanced KeePass Usage)
Add the full URL or hostname of the current web page to the window title. Designed to help other applications identify the current window. Helps KeePass ( to identify the current URL for auto-type.

Window Master
Functionality for multiple screens and windows. Easily open links in other windows or on other screens, move or merge tabs, and move or merge entire windows. With graphical controls for grid positioning.

Pinned Window extension for Firefox
Allows a window to be 'pinned' so new links will not be opened in that window.

Windows Favorites
Use Windows and Internet Explorer Favorites on Firefox without syncing or importing on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.


More or Less Browser Window Padding
This extension allows users to add blank space above, and to the right of, their tab bar. It can also be used to remove the extra padding, added by Firefox, in Windowed mode.

Search Tools

Multi Links Plus
Multi Links Plus lets you open, copy or bookmark multiple links at the same time rather than having to do them all individually.

Extension List Dumper
Privacy & Security
Requires Restart

This extension adds a button ("Dump list") to the Add-ons window. When this button is pressed, a new window is opened with the list of installed extensions, themes or plugins...

Requires Restart
Lists installed add-ons (extensions, themes, plugins).

 Nightly Tester Tools
Requires Restart
Useful tools for the nightly tester.

 Addon List Dumper (restartless)
This extension adds a widget on the navigation bar.
When this widget is pushed, a panel will show the addons list, os, and firefox version.

 Open in Private Window
Requires Restart
Add more features and options to Firefox Private Window.
    Reuse Private Window
    Don't open new Private Window if it's already open. Use it instead.
    You can enable/disable it from extension Options.
    Enable/disable referrer
    By default, Firefox send original referrer when you open a URL in Private Window.
    With this extension, you can disable it.
    Load Private Window in background
    Keep the Private Window in the background when you open a URL into it.
    This option only works on reuse Private Window.
    Show only context menu items you have selected
    Menu icons that you can turn on and off

 Open in Private Browsing Mode
Right-click on a link to instantly open it in Private Browsing mode. (Or right-click anywhere to quickly open private browsing mode.)

Private Tab
Adds private tabs.

An extension that allows Firefox to connect to websites using different user names. Simultaneously.
*** Multifox 2 users: try the "Window Mode" (Addons - Multifox - Options) ***

Mind the Time
Alerts & Updates
Keep track of how much time you spend on the web, and where you spend it. A toolbar ticker shows the time spent at the current site or the total time spent on the web today. A summary page sums up data for the past 70 days, 10 weeks, and 6 months.

 Paste to Tab and Go
Requires Restart
Paste URL or text to any tabs or a new tab and load it immediately, like 'Paste & Go' feature, but unlike 'Paste & Go', this extension will paste text from clipboard to a tab without focusing on the tab first.

 Scratchpad Editor
Requires Restart
Enables you to use external text editor with Scratchpad.

FoxyProxy Standard
Download Management
FoxyProxy is an advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefox's limited proxying capabilities. For a simpler tool and less advanced configuration options, please use FoxyProxy Basic.


 Web of Trust, MyWOT/WOT: Website Reputation
Requires Restart
Find out which websites you can trust. WOT adds intuitive traffic light-style icons next to search results and URLs so you can decide whether to visit a site:
• Green – The site is trusted
• Yellow – Be cautious
• Red – Online threats detected

Related Topics

Chrome Options 1

(Google) Chrome Options / Preferences / Settings

(Google) Chrome = Chromium
(Google) Chrome Preferences file is just a text file that contains JSON markup.

Chrome Preferences file behavior:
  • When users start Google Chrome for the first time, they don't yet have a Preferences file.
  • A file named "master_preferences" located next to chrome.exe is used as a template for what becomes each user's Preferences file. On a Windows system with Chrome installed from an MSI, this will be C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\master_preferences.
  • You only need to create and populate the master_preferences file when you deploy Google Chrome. All users on a machine will get those master settings when they first start Google Chrome.
(Google) Chrome Preferences file:
  • file extension is JSON.
  • commonly file name is master_preferences.
  • policy always takes precedence.
(Google) Chrome policy / Chrome Management / Google Admin console can set by sign in online.

Chrome files support:
  • bookmarks = commonly file name is bookmarks.html
  • history = history 

Google Chrome Options List

Plugin Behavior
by going to chrome://plugins/ and clicking on the disable link under Adobe Flash Player.
go to Settings > Show advanced settings… > Privacy > Content settings > Plugins and select the radio button next to Let me choose when to run plugin content.

 Keyboard Shortcuts for Extensions
go to chrome://extensions
and click on the Keyboard Shortcuts link at the bottom right in Extensions. This brings up a dialog with a list of all your enabled extensions. 

Every time you change a setting in chrome://flags, you’ll have to relaunch Chrome for the new setting to take effect. We recommend restarting Chrome just once after you have tweaked all that you want to tweak.

chrome://flags options:
Automatic tab discarding
turn on  / Enable this flag to let Chrome monitor your tabs and discard the low priority background tabs automatically.

enable Show Autofill predictions.
Enable Show Saved Copy Button.
Choose Primary from the dropdown menu for this option and relaunch Chrome. Now when you try to load web pages without an Internet connection, for pages that you have visited before you’ll see a Show saved copy button in addition to the usual Unable to connect to the Internet message.
Here are a couple of things to note:
    You can choose Secondary from the Enable Show Saved Copy dropdown. The only difference this will make is that you’ll get an inconspicuous Show Saved Copy button instead of a bright blue one.
    If you have enabled Enable Offline Auto-Reload Mode and/or Only Auto-Reload Visible Tabs, you won’t see the Show Saved Copy button at all. The page will reload automatically to show you the cached copy.

Enable Download Resumption

Extension-Specific Settings

To explore them now, go to the Extensions page, look for the tiny Options link beneath any extension, and click on it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Menu Photoshop and GIMP - 1

Some menu function in Adobe Photoshop and GIMP

Make a Full Screen

Menu : View
View > Full Screen
View > Screen Mode options


Create New layer

Layer > New Layer
Layer > New > Layer

Merge Down

Menu : Layer
Layer > Merge Down
Layer > New > Layer

Flatten Image

Menu : Image
Image > Flatten Image
Menu : Layer
Layer > Flatten Image

Duplicate Layer

Menu : Image
Layer > Duplicate Layer
Menu : Layer
Layer > Duplicate Layer

Delete Layer

Menu : Layer
Layer > Delete Layer
Menu : Layer
Layer > Delete

Group Layer

Menu : Layer
Layer > New Layer Group
Menu : Layer
Layer > Group Layers

Ungroup the layers

Plugin : Ungroup GroupLayer
using plugin for a while, working from version 2.8 of GIMP.
Menu : Layer
Layer > Ungroup Layers

Link and unlink layers

Dialog : Layer
click between the eye icon and the layer thumbnail, you get a chain icon.
Menu : Layer 

Layer > Select Linked Layers.

Show/Hide Layer Boundary

Menu : View
View > Show Layer Boundary.
Menu : View

View > Show > Layer Edges.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Menu Photoshop and GIMP Shortcut - 1

Some Photoshop Menu dan GIMP - Keyboard Shortcut
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Windows, maybe different in others operating system.


View (Photoshop and GIMP)

Photoshop Command GIMP
F Toggle Fullscreen View F11 
Q Toggle quickmask Shift+Q 
Control + + (plus) Zoom in +
Control + - (hyphen) Zoom out -
Alt+Mousewheel Down Zoom in Ctrl+Mousewheel Down
Alt+Mousewheel Up Zoom out Ctrl+Mousewheel Up
Double-click Zoom tool
Ctrl + 1
Zoom 1:1 (100%) 1
Alt+Control+0 Shrink wrap Ctrl+J *
Control + 0 (zero), Double-click Hand tool Fit image in window  Shift+Ctrl+J *
Control + R Toggle rulers Shift+Ctrl+R
Control + ; Toggle guides Shift+Ctrl+T 

Edit (Photoshop and GIMP)

Photoshop Command GIMP
Control + Alt + Z Undo Ctrl+Z
Control + Shift + Z Redo Ctrl+Y
Control + C Copy selection Ctrl+C
Control + X Cut selection Ctrl+X
Control + V Paste clipboard Ctrl+V
Alt + Backspace Fill with
ForeGround Color
Control + Backspace Fill with
BackGround Color
Shift + Backspace
Shift + F5
Fill with Pattern Ctrl+:

File (Photoshop and GIMP)

Photoshop Command GIMP
Control + N New image Ctrl+N
Control + O Open image Ctrl+O
Control + S Save image Ctrl+S
Control + Shift + S Save under a new name Shift+Ctrl+S
Control + Q Quit Ctrl+Q
Control + P Print Ctrl + P
Control + W Close Ctrl+W

Palette or Panel in Window menu (Photoshop) and
Dialog in Windows menu (GIMP)

Photoshop Command GIMP
F7 Layers Ctrl+L
F5 Brushes Shift+Ctrl+B
Tab Hide Docks
(when Image window active)
Alt + W + (Number of your file) Navigate between window Alt + (Number of your file)

GIMP and Photoshop Toolbox Shortcuts 1

GIMP and Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts for:
daftar beberapa keyboard shortcut pada tool Photoshop.

Tools Photoshop GIMP Tools
Rectangular Marquee tool M R Rectangle Select
Elliptical Marquee tool M E Ellipse Select
Move tool V M Move tool
Lasso tool L F Free Select Tool
Polygonal Lasso tool L
Magnetic Lasso tool L I Scissors Select Tool
Magic Wand tool W U Fuzzy Select Tool
Quick Selection tool W
Crop tool C Shift+C Crop Tool
Slice tool K
Slice Select tool K
Spot Healing Brush tool J
Healing Brush tool J H Healing Tool
Patch tool J
Red Eye tool J
Brush tool B P Paintbrush Tool
Pencil tool B N Pencil Tool
Color Replacement tool B
Clone Stamp tool S C Clone Tool
Pattern Stamp tool S
History Brush tool Y
Art History Brush tool Y
Eraser tool E Shift+E Eraser Tool
Background Eraser tool E
Magic Eraser tool E
Gradient tool G L Blend Tool
Paint Bucket tool G Shift+B Bucket Fill
Blur tool R Shift+U Convolve (Blur/Sharpen)
Sharpen tool R Shift+U Convolve (Blur/Sharpen)
Smudge tool R S Smudge
Dodge tool O Shift + D Dodge
Burn tool O Shift + D Burn
Sponge tool O
Path Selection tool A
Direct Selection tool A
Horizontal Type tool T T Text Tool
Vertical Type tool T
Horizontal Type mask tool T
Vertical Type mask tool T
Pen tool P B Path
Freeform Pen tool P B Path
Rectangle tool U
Rounded Rectangle tool U
Ellipse tool U
Polygon tool U
Line tool U
Custom Shape tool U
Notes tool N
Audio Annotation tool N
Eyedropper tool I O Colour Picker
Color Sampler tool I
Measure tool I Shift + M Measure
Hand tool H
Zoom tool Z Z Zoom tool
Switch Colors X X Swap Colors
Default Colors D D Default Colors