Thursday, December 3, 2015

Photoshop Drawing & Painting 1

B : Brush, Pencil Tool, Color Replacement Tool, Mixer Brush (CS6)
E : Eraser tools
J : Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Red Eye (CS2)
S : Clone Stamp Tool, Pattern Stamp Tool
X : Switch Foreground/Background Colours
Y : History Brush Tool, Art History Brush Tool.

Hold Down Shift + Brush (Works with nearly every drawing tool) : Draw Straight LinesDraw Straight Lines
- Using Brush (Works with nearly every drawing tool)
- Click on the start spot then hold Shift and click on the finish/last/target spot.

]/[ Increase / Decrease brush size (Brush, Stamp tools)
Shift+]/Shift+[ Increase / Decrease brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools)

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