Saturday, November 28, 2015

Text Editor Criteria 2

User Interface (UI)
  • Cross platform
  • Multi Languages UI
  • Customize UI
  • Multiple Instances
  • Single - Multi Document Interfaces / SDI - MDI
  • Window splitting
  • Keyboard Shortcut / Shortcut Key / Key Binding
  • Multi Tab, Vertical Tab, Horizontal Tab
  • Most / Last Recently Used Tab Switcher
  • Next - Previous Tab switcher
  • Multiple layout, multiple pane/palette, switch to pane
  • Toolbar

  • Wrapping / Word wrap
  • Macros, register
  • Snippets
  • Template files
  • Auto closing character/tag/symbol/punctuation
  • Function List
  • Auto indentation
  • Change Case
  • Spelling
  • tags/ctags, region/folding/module/procedure/method/event editing

Selecting and Navigating
  • Code Folding
  • Bookmark, Marker
  • Navigate/Jump to last editing position
  • Bracket Matching
  • Multiple Selection
  • Range selection
  • Extend Selection / Begin - End Selection
  • Line Selection Mode, select entire lines
  • Extending and Shrinking based by: camel case, word, and other character / punctuation, line, paragraph, page
  • Reselect last selection
  • Invert selection
  • Word highlighting / Next word occurrence highlighting
  • URL highlighting
  • Move caret/cursor by word

  • Large Files
  • Long line support
  • Encoding
  • New line/End Of Line/End Of File Conversion
  • Right to left (RTL) & bidirectional (bidi) support
  • Find and Replace, Regex (Regular Expression, Search in Files
  • Reload Document
  • Multi Undo/Redo
  • Reformatting files (ex: csv, xml, json, js)
  • hex mode
  • multi edit

Compiler integration
Preview, Compile, Running

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