Sunday, January 22, 2017

Text Editor Criteria 3

For editing:
  • Find and Replace
  • Block / Lines
    • Join Lines - separator by space or other custom character
    • Split Lines - { or character in clipboard or by any selection
    • Insert enter / blank lines before or after
  • Wrap / Enclose character with ...
  • Column Editor
    • Remove begin or pre character (1st, 2nd, 1, a...)
  • Space or Blank
    • Remove blank lines before and after.
  • Trim Space
    • Reduce redundant or more than one space
    • Reduce or remove space left / ltrim and right / rtrim
  • Tab to space
  • Auto complete
    • Keyword - case or incase sensitive
    • Last type - case or incase sensitive
    • Parameter or properties or attributes hint
    • Class or Object or Type or Function
    • Max length or index

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