Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Add-ons Firefox 3

Before using this following recomended firefox addons, you can read the warning :
"This is not monitored for security through Mozilla's Recommended Extensions program. Make sure you trust it before installing." (use with your own risk) from Mozilla Firefox add-ons site.

  • Speed Tweaks
    Speed up your browser with 7 tweaks via toolbar popup. Mobile View - Loading mobile version of sites. (break some website).
  • Text Linky Tool
    A useful tool for web links.
    • Copy as plain text.
    • Copy as HTML source.
    • Copy Link Name & URLs.
    • Copy Tab Name & URLs.
    • Analyze image/page URLs
    • in some website cannot copy the right text or link.

Add On Firefox 2

Add On Firefox

What’s That Preference
Quick Reference Firefox about:config Preferences On MozillaZine
UnloadTabs (Unload inactive tabs and reduce resource usage in Firefox)

AdBlock Video (Blocks Ads on Hulu, CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox)

Open in Browser (Open files in text, web page, source, XML and image format)
Link Status Redux


@copy Links

Copy Urls Expert

@Copy function

Easy Copy 

context menu plus
free memory
google search link fix
link status redux
snap link plus

Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save

show file size2
scrapbook plus
scrapbook backup helper
scrapbook copypageinfo
scrapbook chm creator
tile tab


must restart
Makes it easy to copy link text and locations.

must restart
Copy Plain Text 2
Copies text without formatting.

Usage: Click 'Copy' to clipboard link or Right Click on a Code Block & select "Copy Code"
Please note that right click only works with code blocks enclosed in "code" tag

no restart
Copy Link Text
right-clicking a link, its text can be immediately copied.
right-click images to get alt text and drop-down menu items, buttons, and other form controls to get their text or values, including password fields if that option is enabled.

no restart
Copy URL
Copy the URL of the current page to the clipboard at the click of a button. Copy URL is the "little brother" of the Copy ShortURL add-on.


Down for Everyone or Just me
Adblock Plus
Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus
Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon
Disable Anti-Adblock
Image Block
no restart
Flash Control
Just Disable Stuff
Toggle animated GIFs
Image Blocker


must restart
Link Status Redux
Shows an indicator on the status bar in front of the link address when the mouse cursor is over a link to a page you bookmarked or visited before.

Google search link fix
Prevents Google, Yahoo and Yandex search pages from modifying search result links when you click them. This is useful when copying links but it also helps privacy by preventing the search engines from recording your clicks.

Link Alert
Displays an icon in the tooltip or next to the cursor indicating the target of a link.

Text Link
Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.

Link Gopher
Extracts all links from web page, sorts them, removes duplicates, and displays them in a new tab for inspection or copy and paste into other systems.


 no restart
Tab History Redux
Links opened in a new tab retain their history. (If you open a link in a new tab, and then click back in that new tab, you'll go back to the page you opened the link from.)

BackTrack Tab History
Links that are opened in new tabs (and optionally in new windows) retain the "back" (session) history from the parent window.


Save Link in Folder
Easily save links in personally customized folders.
Save Image in Folder
Easily save images in personally customized.


ScribeFire Next
blog, blogger, wordpress

Text Formatting Toolbar
Toolbar for formatting text in BBcode, HTML or Wiki code.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Cara Hapus Paragraf Kosong Di OpenOffice atau LibreOffice

Cara Hapus Paragraf Kosong Di OpenOffice atau LibreOffice

  1. Klik menu Edit > Find & Replace.
  2. Isi kotak Search for: ^$
  3. Kosongkan isi kotak Replace with:
  4. Klik tombol More Options di bagian bawah, lalu centang kotak Regular expressions.
  5. Klik tombol Replace All
  6. Ketika proses selesai tekan tombol Close.
  7. Maka dokumen Anda akan dihapus setiap paragraf kosong.

Topik Berhubungan:

Cara Replace Dua Line Breaks Dengan Satu Line Breaks OpenOffice

Cara Replace Dua Line Breaks Dengan Satu Line Breaks Di OpenOffice atau LibreOffice

  1. Klik menu Edit > Find & Replace.
  2. Isi kotak Search for: \n\n
  3. Ganti isi kotak Replace with:\n
  4. Klik tombol More Options di bagian bawah, lalu centang kotak Regular expressions.
  5. Klik tombol Replace All
  6. Ketika proses selesai tekan tombol Close.
  7. Maka dokumen Anda akan diganti dari dua paragraf menjadi satu paragraf.

Topik Berhubungan:

Friday, June 19, 2020

Comparing Mac and Windows Keyboards

Apple’s keyboard layouts look very much like standard Windows keyboards. But the biggest difference is in the two keys on either side of the spacebar.

Alt Key than Command Key

On a PC, the keys closest to the spacebar are labeled Alt; the next one over commonly Windows Computer has a Windows logo. On a Mac, the keys closest to the spacebar have an Macintosh logo icon (Command) that looks like a four-bladed propeller or electric fan or clover leaf. These Command keys both have the same function. The next one over is the Option key.

The Command key is used in almost all keyboard shortcuts. It’s one of the most important things to know about the Mac. Another key that may not be familiar to PC users is at the upper-right on Apple keyboards. It’s the eject button for the optical drive (that reads and writes CDs and DVDs). You see the same symbol on the eject button on home audio devices. Continuing to the left on stand-alone keyboards, you find a key with a speaker symbol, which turns the system sound on and off. It’s a mute button, in effect. It is followed by two keys that raise and lower the volume.

The keyboards built into Apple laptops and Apple’s wireless keyboard have fewer keys than Apple’s wired stand-alone keyboard. No separate numeric keypad is available. You can use a group of keys on the right side as a keypad by activating the Num Lock function (press Control+F6). On many Mac keyboards, the sound-control keys, screen-brightness, and other controls are on the function keys.

Backspace and Delete Key

The large key at the right end of the numeral row on PC keyboards is labeled Backspace and deletes the character to the left of the insertion point. Long ago, Apple decided to label this key Delete, because that is what it really does. The problem is that PC keyboards have another, regular-sized Delete key in the group above, or sometimes next to, the arrow keys. This Delete key deletes the character to the right of the insertion point. Apple first omitted this key. Later, when Apple switched to connecting by USB for its stand-alone keyboards, the second delete key came back, labeled del or delete. It also has a standard delete symbol on it which looks like a boxy arrow pointing right with an x in it. The big Delete key doesn’t have a symbol on it, though one exists, and it has the same boxy arrow pointing left. The Apple laptops don’t have a second delete key, but you get the right delete function by holding down the function key (fn) when you press the Delete button.

Main Return/Enter Key

Apple keyboard Note the return/enter key, with dual labels. On Apple's keyboards, the main enter key is usually labeled “return” or just by a symbol “↩”. On PC keyboard, the main enter key is labeled “Enter ↵”.

Note: the main enter/return key is different from the Enter on number keypad. (it sends a different key signal.)

Windows Computer KeyboardMacintosh Keyboard
Alt Gr key ( alternate graph key )Alt/Option key ( alternate key )
Arrow Keys ( Up, Down, Left, Right key )Arrow Keys ( Up, Down, Left, Right key )
Backspace keyDelete key
Caps Lock ( Capitals Lock ) keyCaps Lock ( Capitals Lock ) key
Ctrl key ( control key )Alt/Option key ( alternate key )
Ctrl key ( control key )Command key ( Macintosh logo/pretzel key/Apple key/clover key looks like a clover leaf or four-bladed propeller or electric fan )
Delete keyDelete key or looks like a pentagon arrow with intersection line inside
Enter/Main Return KeyEnter/Return Key (different purpose)
Esc key ( Escape Key )Esc key ( Escape Key )
Fn key ( Function key )Fn key ( Function key )
Home/End keyHome/End key (different purpose)
Insert keynothing to compare ( Macintosh does not have a Insert key)
Menu / App Key ( Application key to open a Right click menu / context menu in most applications )Control key ( similar to Menu or App key in some applications )
nothing to compare ( Windows does not have a = key)= ( equal key )
nothing to compare ( Windows does not have a clear key)clear key
nothing to compare ( Windows does not have a F13 to F19 key)F13 to F19 key (Function key 13 to Function key 19)
Pause Break Keynothing to compare ( Macintosh does not have a Pause Break key)
PgUp/PgDn key ( PageUp/PageDown key )nothing to compare ( Macintosh does not have a PgUp/PgDn key, using other combination key )
PrtScn/Sysrq (Print Screen Key/System request)nothing to compare ( Macintosh does not have a Print Screen key)
ScrLk ( ScrollLock Key )nothing to compare ( Macintosh does not have a ScrLk key)
Shift keyShift key
Win key ( Windows key )Command key ( Macintosh logo/pretzel key/Apple key/clover key looks like a clover leaf or four-bladed propeller or electric fan )

Microsoft Office Word File Name Extensions

Microsoft Office Word File Name Extensions
Microsoft Office Word File Name Extensions
Microsoft Office Word File Name Extensions, you can download on these following link:  


Legacy filename extensions denote binary Microsoft Word formatting that became outdated with the release of Microsoft Office 2007. Although the latest version of Microsoft Word can still open them, they are no longer developed. Legacy filename extensions include:
  • .doc – Legacy Word document; Microsoft Office refers to them as "Microsoft Word 97 – 2003 Document"
  • .dot – Legacy Word templates; officially designated "Microsoft Word 97 – 2003 Template"
  • .wbk – Legacy Word document backup; referred as "Microsoft Word Backup Document"


Office Open XML (OOXML) format was introduced with Microsoft Office 2007 and became the default format of Microsoft Word ever since. Pertaining file extensions include:
  • .docx – Word document
  • .docm – Word macro-enabled document; same as docx, but may contain macros and scripts
  • .dotx – Word template
  • .dotm – Word macro-enabled template; same as dotx, but may contain macros and scripts
  • .docb – Word binary document introduced in Microsoft Office 2007

Related Topics:

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Microsoft Windows Features

Action Center/Charm
Add or Remove Programs/Uninstall/Apps and Features
Add or Remove Windows Components
Address Bar
All Apps/All Programs
Alternate (Alt) keyboard button
Auto Insert Notification/Autorun/AutoPlay=Windows 98,Windows 2000
Ballon Tips
Capitals Lock (Caps lock) keyboard button
Character Map
Close window
Command Prompt/Command Line
Context Menu/Right Click Menu/Pop up menu
Control (Ctrl) keyboard button
Cool Switch/Switch Running Applications
cut, copy, and paste
Dialog box
Document menu
Double Click/Open/Activate/running application
Drag and drop
Escape (Esc) keyboard button
File Explorer/Windows Explorer
Fn (Function) keyboard button
Frequent Application
Frequent Folders
Hybrid Sleep
Jump List
Keyboard shortcut
Lock Screen
Mail App/Outlook Express
Math Input panel
Maximize window
Menu bar
Menu Item
Menu/pull-down menu
Metro UI Menu Bar
Minimize window
Mouse Pointer
Move window
Navigation Button
Navigation Pane
Notification Area button
Notification Area/System Tray
Number Lock (Numlock) keyboard button
Open With
Page Down (PgDn) keyboard button
Page Up (PgUp) keyboard button
Pin to Start/Pinned Application to Start Menu
Pin to Taskbar/Pinned Application to Taskbar
Properties window
Quick Actions
Recent files section
Recovery/System Restore
Restore window
Ribbon Group
Ribbon Tab Menu
Ribbon Tools/Ribbon Context
Right Click
Run as admin/Run as
Running Applications View
Screen Saver
Scroll Lock (Scroll lock) keyboard button
Search box/Find
Shifting (Shift) keyboard button
shortcut menu for the active window
Size window
Snipping tool
Sound Recorder
Start Button
Start Menu
Start Menu classic
Start Menu scroll Programs
Start Menu Simple
Steps Recorder
Sticky Notes
Sub menu
System Image Recovery/Backup and Restore/Backup and Recovery
Tab (Tabulation) keyboard button
Tablet Mode/Start Screen/Metro UI
Tabs view pane
Task Manager
Task View
Time and Date
Title Bar
Touch Keyboard/On Screen Keyboard
Underlined letter in a menu name/mnemonic in menu
Universal Apps
User Account control
User Accounts Screen/Logon Screen/Login Dialog
Virtual Desktops
Wallpaper / Deskop Background
Window Control Menu/Window control shortcut menu for active window
Window fax and scan
Window Sizing Button
Window snapping
Windows Accessories/Accessories
Windows Key/Windows Keyboard button
Windows Loading Splash Screen
Windows Search/Find Fast=Windows 98
Windows Settings/Control panel/Gear Icon
Windows Speech Recognition
Windows Theme