Friday, May 13, 2016

Make Black & White - Photoshop list

Make Black & White - Photoshop list
  1. Destructive
    • Color Mode
      • LAB Color Method
      • Convert to Greyscale
      • Multichannel
    • Image Adjustments
      • Hue/Saturation
      • Gradient Map (Photoshop CS and Photoshop Elements also next version)
      • Channel Mixer
      • Black and White (Photshop CS 3 and next version)
  2. Non Destructive
    • Adjustment Layer
      • Hue/Saturation
      • Gradient Map (Photoshop CS and Photoshop Elements also next version)
      • Channel Mixer
      • Black and White (Photshop CS 3 and next version)
Color Balance to enrich the result.

(Image Adjustments = destructive) (Adjustment Layer = non destructive)

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