Friday, August 5, 2016

XML / JSON Editor Features

XML / JSON Editor Features

Tag Explorer / Outline View / Data Explorer
Filter / Search in Outline View / Branch Filtering
Tree View
Table View
Result View
Element View / Grid View
Code Folding
Code Map / Document map
Code Syntax Highlighter
Attribute Hiding / Tag Hiding
Tag Locked / Attribute Locked
Entity Snippets / Entity Clips (Comment) / Insert Symbol
Files Compare
Files Explorer
Filter in File Explorer
Encoding Format
Well Formed / Structured Checker
Validate Features
Breadcrumb Bar

add time/date
autocomplete tag and attribute name
bookmark file
export file / file converter
batch editing
replace in opened files / browsing files
full screen mode
code navigator keyboard shortcut
key scope / element type
auto well formed / structuredcontent spelling checker

special to XML:
DTD or XML Schema or XSL / CSS

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