Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Efficient Editing in Microsoft Word

To move in a document

move from the top of a document to the bottom of the document.
press Control + End.

move from the bottom of a document to the top of the document.
press Control + Home.

To move from cell-to-cell in a table

to move forward cell in a row.
press Tab.

to move backward cell in a row.
press Shift + Tab.

moves you to the top or bottom cell in the current column.
Press the Alt key with the Page Up, Page Down.

moves to the first and last cell in the current row.
Alt+Home and Alt+End keys.

To move in pages

To move page-by-page through a document.
press Control + Page Up or Control + Page Down.

Will moves one screen at a time.
press Page Up or Page Down.

Navigation When Editing Text

When editing a text in Microsoft Word document, you can move from begin of a line to the end of a line.
press Home and End.

To move one word at a time.

to move backward one word.
press Control + Left Arrow.

to move forward one word.
press  Control + Right Arrow.

To move from one column to the next.
press Alt + Page Up or Alt + Page Down.

When you close a Word document, the software notes the last place you were working. When you reopen the document you can return to that place immediately by pressing Shift + F5 or Ctrl+Alt+Z. This same Shift + F5 key combination will rotate you through the last places you worked in the document.
press Shift + F5 or Ctrl+Alt+Z.

When you navigate to a bookmark position, press F5 or Control + G. This brings up a menu box, and you then select Bookmark from the Go To What list. Select the bookmark name, and click Go To.
press F5 or Control + G.

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